Chapter 17

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6 months later

Rimuru POV

I was out with the kids Shizue had taught when Alice asked me a question.

"Sensei! Do you know anyone else who wears the same mask as you and Shizue-Sensei?" I froze at the question.

"You've seen someone wearing the same mask as me?"

"Yeah!" Ken answered. "About six months ago, several thugs tried to capture Chloe and Alice, but got their butts kicked by someone wearing the same mask as you and Shizue-sensei. Ryota, Gale and I were restrained by several of their group, so we couldn't help."

"What was his hair colour and what was his voice like?" I asked. Could it be that Kiyotaka was here?

"He was wearing a hood, so we couldn't see his hair." Gale answered. "But his voice was monotone."

So Kiyotaka was here! Well, six months ago, but glad to hear he's fine.

"He was so cool!" Ryota exclaimed. "He defeated the thugs like they're children to him!"

"Rimuru-sensei is still cooler though." Chloe said.

Oh Gee thanks Chloe, to hear you say I'm cooler than that dreamboat.

"No, X is cooler! And stronger!" Alice argued.

X? What's with that name, Kiyotaka? You barely made any effort to give yourself a nickname.

Only Chloe argued for me, while the others argued for Kiyotaka.

"Now, now, calm down, please!" I tried to console them, but they continued fighting. "Calm down or I'll not give you anymore manga!"

They instantly stopped. I sighed. Taking care of kids is so hard...

Kiyotaka POV

After my travels around the world, I decided to go to the Demon World to get subordinates of my own. While our forces weren't weak, we lack numbers if we compare the nation to the Eastern Empire, which has both quality and quantity in its armies.

"Archdemon summoning." I said as I offered the dead bodies of my attackers that were sent at me by the Western Nations. Why? That's because they viewed me as a threat, and have been hunting me since I left the Nations.

The last place I had travelled to was Guy Crimson's kingdom: the Frozen Continent, and as I left the kingdom, I was attacked by 8000 men.

Tired of the bounty on my head, I decimated them all and took their souls.

The summoning circle in front of me glowed, and three female demons appeared in front of me.

"Ara~What wondrous offerings!" The lead demon said as she licked her lips.

"Indeed, the quality of the fallen are also great!" The demon on the left agreed.

"Been a long time since we were last summoned." The one on the right said.

The three demons turned to me, and the lead one asked. "If I may, we would like to test you. Would that be fine?"

"Uh, sure."

Suddenly, all three demons attacked. The lead one with a black sword, the one on the right with a whip and the last had a handgun.

With the help of future sight, which I had combined it with several skills, I was able to see my opponents future moves. When they attacked, I could see it in slow motion, while I could move normally.

My first target was the gun user. Since she's a ranged attacker, it'd be best to take her down first. Using 'Shadow Movement', I appeared behind her and launched a high kick to her head, which she dodged. Due to the force I had used, she was blasted far back by the shockwave.

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