Chapter 44: The Cure

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Winifred said " I have to get her back need to get rid of this devil blood and get Jess back I want to get it removed from my blood line and she's won't have to worry about him anymore."
The voice said " I could help you get rid of it."
Winifred said " Who.... who are you? and why do you want to help me."
The girl voice said "I'll tell you my name.... My name is Voodoo I'm her friend she won't have to worry about him anymore."
Winifred said " How do you know about my curse bloodline did she tell you about it?
Voodoo said " Yes she told me everything she told me she used the spell on you while you transform and while you we're sleep it was healing you it was a purple potion it heals you from turning into that monster you love her right."
Winifred said " Yes I do love her can it go into my bloodstream would it cure it?"
Voodoo said " Yes it would but...."
Winifred said " But it would kill me wouldn't it....."
Voodoo said " Yes..... It would kill you but if she was to kiss you would bring you back to life."
Winifred said " I don't care if it kills me I wants to be a normal guy again."
Voodoo said " Go get her back I know in her heart that she still loves you very much and don't let that monster ruin your moment."
Winifred said " Thank you....! your a good friend to her....I should be going now...."

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