Chapter 82: Staying put out of sight and finding Voodoo's twin sister

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I said to Winifred " Hey I'm going to wash dishes okay. What is it. Voodoo is that you? Please tell me it's you."
Rena said " No, I'm not Voodoo I'm her twin sister Rena have you seen her anywhere please tell me I'm just like her but stronger."
I said " But how she nevered told me that she had a twin sister. I guess she wanted to keep you safe."
Rena said " Enough about Voodoo where is my older sister please tell me where she is."
I said " Your not going to like what I'm about to tell you well you know there is this king of hell he's been trying to get me and wants me to marry him and then he killed your sister Voodoo with his bear hands."
Rena said " So that's what happened to her if I see that son of a bitch I'm going to kill them."

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