Chapter 60: Save the world

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Lilith said " What about me don't you care about me I'm the one who helped you get her back."
Gordon said " I don't need you anymore."
Lilith said " AAAAAAAHH!!! why.... Master Gordon why...."
Voodoo said " Yes who is it....who it's you!"
Lilith said " I'm not here to do anything evil Gordon use me he only used me to get your friend I don't want to be a demon anymore I want to be human again don't you want your friend back."
Lilith said " if I become human again will I still have my powers?"
Lilith said " Well I'm ready to be human again!"
Winifred said " Voodoo!! are you okay I heard screaming who is that!"
Winifred said " Yeah so she's not working for him anymore she's on side now!"
Lilith said " I know how to get rid of him I'm the only one that can stop him from taking over the world because this is my home now not hell I don't ever want to go back there you don't want to know what he does to the woman down in hell."

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