Chapter 85: Winifred fine's out that I'm vampire magical princess

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Rena said " If I were you I would not go out there to that monster."
I said " Well I have to but have a plan my plan is to make him think that he's going to take me back "
Winifred said " I really don't want you to go out there to that bastard ok you stay here."
Rena said " No you stay here me and Winifred will fight."
Gordon said " Out of my way!!!( power blast out of the way) there you are my sweet I've come back to take you back the castle."
I said " Oh no!! let me go AH!!!! put me down please Rena and Winifred help me!!!!"
Winifred said " Got DAMN IT!!! Why every time I get her back Gordon fine's her it something about that is bothering me did she use to be a magical princess or something or maybe he's jealous of me because I have a wife and he doesn't."

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