Chapter 79: Gordon is pissed off and tries to kill Winifred, Voodoo and Lilith

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Gordon said " You bastards I'm going to kill all three of you one at a time and then I'm taking Jessica to my castle. And how did you know where we were at anyways."
Voodoo said " You remember those two demons you had working for you well they use to be good guys until they broke there promise about getting married and sinned but there the one's that helped us fine you and Jessica so give up Gordon."
Lilith said " I'm.... going to kill you (cough) because you set me on fire and (cough) now your going to die(cough) this time."
Winifred said " No! Lilith don't do this your going to die for real if you fight "
Gordon said " Your the one that is going to die so be it I will make your wish come true."
Gordon said " This time I'm cutting off your head (Slash hear getting cut off ) now you will never come back."

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