Chapter 52: Strange forces

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So I told Winifred that I was going outside to check the mail and when I checked the mail and opened was from Gordon and it said " I'm coming back to get you from. Winifred and you will marry me this time or I will have your friend killed in front of you."
And I said to Winifred " Winifred!! I got this note you want believe who it's from."
And Winifred said " Who is it from Gordon let me see he really is trying to get you from me but I'm not going to let him get you from me again ok."
I said " Ok but you know that he has minions out there."
And Winifred said " I know but we have to go somewhere that is safer than this place."
Voodoo said " Whatever you do keep in contact with me that I'll know if Gordon and Lilith are coming after you guys and tries to take Jessica away from us because I know he's gotten stronger than before so please Winifred keep her safe ok."
Winifred said " I will keep her safe with me I have to fine somewhere else I just think that one day one of us going to get killed if that happens please Voodoo take care of Jessica for me please."
Voodoo said " I will..... I promise....."

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