Chapter 62: Dying girlfriend

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Already married to me there's no way she's going marry a monster like you because that's right you can't have any babies with a human because god doesn't like monsters like you."
Gordon said " I'm going to kill Jessica by slitting her throat right in front of all you!!"
(Slash) Winifred said " No!! Noooooooooo!!!! You bastard I'm going to kill you."
Well looks like I was the one going to get killed this not good I can't hardly breath because Gordon slit my throat in front of them like that.
I said " Winifred.... Winifred.... Please..... please.... take care (cough) please take care of the kids for me...."
Lilith said " Voodoo and Winifred get Jessica and get out of here I'll handle him."
They both said " Ok."
Voodoo said " I hope Lilith comes back out alive! Oh right about Jessica."
Winifred said " There's got to be away to bring Jessica back I love her why would he do that to her she loved me more than him because she told me all the time that she didn't like him he's to evil for her so please Voodoo please bring her back."

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