Chapter 59: Devil wedding

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Winifred said " You know what I'm getting tired of them two always Jessica from me I'm sick of it."
Voodoo said " I know you love her very much and love's you much too but we can fine away to get her back from Gordon and Lilith."
And the pie that Lilith made was for me to eat it an it wasn't for Winifred to eat the pie was for me only but when I ate it. It put me to sleep for along time for me to wake up to fine myself imprisoned with Gordon.
Gordon said " Well your mine now we can get married we want have worry about Winifred or Voodoo messing up our wedding plans."
I woke up said " What's!? what am I doing here I should be with Winifred at home not here with you Gordon."
Gordon said " Well your here to stay you'll never see Winifred or that bitch Voodoo again because when you marry me the world will be mine to take over and let all of my demons out to kill everyone in there path."
I said " No, you can't do that every body wants to live to see a other day and birthdays and there loved ones all the time so leave them alone they never did anything to you."
Gordon said " I don't care about humans it's you I care about."
I said " Just GET OUT!!"

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