Chapter 65: Lilith finally die's in peace

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Gordon said " Your human and there not weak huh....! but you can't beat me or kill me because I'm the one that is stronger than you, Voodoo and Winifred all put together I will get her to marry me and you three won't be able to stop me from ruling the world give her to me."
Voodoo said " Never!! you'll never take her from us ever again because she love's Winifred more than ever so go back home."
Winifred said " Your not taking her back not to hell you know I'm tried of you messing with us I've been wanting to kick your ass for along time."
Lilith said " Leave him alone AAAAAAAAAHH!!!!"
Winifred said " No! Lilith!!!!"
Voodoo said " Oh god No!!!! Lilith why did you have to do that ( Sobbing) you didn't have to do that now your going to die for good."
Lilith said " It's time my friend now going to die like I'm suppose to die like a..... A human now looks like our time is up we will see each other again someday goodbye my friends..... it was nice meeting you Winifred and your wife."

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