Chapter 51: Closing the portal to hell

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I said " I'm getting out of here and going back to Winifred and Voodoo."
Gordon said " Your not going anywhere you belong with me forever....!"
Winifred said " Gordon leave her alone!!"
Voodoo said " Gordon leave her alone what did she ever do you all she wants to do is be with Winifred."
Gordon said " Well did you know your little boyfriend right there use to work for me along time ago....!"
Voodoo said " Is this true Winifred you use to work for him."
Winifred said " Yeah it's true I did use to work for him but I want to be human again that's why I left because I wanted to be with a human girl this time I'm going to get rid of this bloodline for good."
I said " Winifred WATCH OUT!!!!"
Gordon said " This time she's mine and mine forever."
Voodoo said " No, she's not yours not this time Gordon!!!"
Gordon said " Noooooooooo!!!"
Voodoo said " Get Jessica so we can close the portal to hell up "
So we got out of there before Voodoo close the portal up I knew that this was not over yet he still got minions out there helping to get me.

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