Chapter 58: Not human

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Voodoo said " Oh no! I told not to eat the pie and she did any way now she's going to be sleep for along time."
Winifred said " There's got to be a way to wake her up wait I know this it's a spell that way Gordon can get her from me but I'm not going to let that happen again I'm getting tired of this because he wants something he can't have."
Gordon said " Did you give her the pie!"
Lilith said " Yes I gave her the I put the sleeping spell in the pie it will be easy to get her from him and Voodoo master."
Winifred said " Somebody is knocking on the door?"
Lilith said " Hi, again is your girlfriend home!"
Winifred said " Yes! something's wrong with her when she ate the pie it put her to sleep for along time I know it was you Lilith and Gordon!!"
Lilith said " How did you know it was us."
Winifred said " Because you did the spell on the blueberry pie you made."
Lilith said " If I were you I would go check up stairs."
Winifred said " You bastards he took Jessica get back here you bitch!!"
Gordon said " Now I have Jessica and you'll never get her back she's mine now forever goodbye Winifred!"
Voodoo said " it's too late now we'll never get her back now."

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