Chapter 89: Gordon is going to try turn Rena into a demon servant and takes me

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So Gordon said to me was " Oh no....! I'm not taking your life I'm taking you back with me to hell there I started killing Hunan's for him."
I said " Oh my god I can't believe that you had to go threw that well I don't like that I'm just glad that me and you found each other for good reasons."
Winifred said " I know but that's why I had to fine somebody because it was killing me."
I said " AHHHHH!!! No!! Let me go Gordon Winifred help me!! he's taking me back too."
Gordon said " I'm taking Rena and Jessica and I'm going to make Rena evil for good."
Winifred said " No!! Rena and Jessica give them back."
Rena and Me said " Winifred help us please help us!!!"

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