Chapter 90: Disappearing and turning evil and being a servant

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Gordon said " Now Rena die!!! and be my servant....."
Rena said " AHHHHH!!!! ( stabbed threw the chest) don't........let that monster take you away princess."
I said " No!!!! Rena!!!! No!!!! why would you do that to Voodoo's little sister."
Gordon said " I don't care you're going to have my babies again this time."
Winifred said " Don't you dare get her pregnant if you do I will kill you."
Gordon said " Aha.....! Rena your awake you will work for me now take my wife to our bedroom and make her wear something sexy for tonight."
Rena said " Yes master I will do as you say."
Winifred said " Oh no..... I feel alone now what I'm going to do Gordon has Rena and Jessica."

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