Chapter 95: Voodoo's back and Rena is pregnant with Gordon's babies

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Winifred said " I don't understand why does she want you dead so bad for."
I said " Because she's pregnant with Gordon's babies his demon babies if Voodoo were here she would be mad very mad at her twin little sister."
Rena said " I don't care what you say I want both of you dead because queen and king of the dead I know my husband wants your little husband dead but for some reason my husband has been after you all the time."
Winifred said " Rena what would you if Voodoo knew that you we're doing this she would be very upset at you."
Voodoo said " You stop right there Rena wait?! Your pregnant who got you pregnant Rena tell me now wait what?! Somethings not right you got turned into a demon by Gordon."
Rena said " Yes that's what happened to me you see sister I'm still your little sister we are both married I'm love with him."

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