Chapter 64: Playing along

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Lilith said " Why won't you leave them alone they are the ones suppose to be happy they love each other very much so leave them alone!!"
Gordon said " And you thought killing me would put a stop to me for good I want Jessica and I'm not leaving without her so now I'm taking her back and this time you will never ever see her again because the next time you do come save her she will be married to me."
Winifred said " No! You care what her be you wife she's my wife she's the love of my life."
Gordon said " I don't care what you say she's mine forever Mu hah hah hah!!!"
Voodoo said " Noooooooooo!! bring her back please."
Lilith said " Gordon just let her go now she doesn't belong with you she belongs with Winifred because your not right for her Gordon."
Lilith said " That's why I was playing along with it whole time I wasn't really a demon at all I'm like them I was sent by Voodoo to see why you keep trying to get Winifred's wife your weak Gordon weak most devil's are not weak."

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