Chapter 75: Winifred, Voodoo and Lilith found me in the forest

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I said " Winifred are you here in the forest if you are please say something please...."
Winifred said " Honey are you in the forest?"
I said " Yes..... P-please.... Help me..... I think the demon babies are killing me."
Winifred said " Oh my god honey you don't look good at all Voodoo over here I need your help."
Voodoo said " Oh my god Winifred the babies are killing her we have to get rid of the demon babies Gordon wants her to turn into his demon wife he wants her to turn on you."
Lilith said " I'm back for real this time I'm getting tired of Gordon now Jessica how did you get away from Gordon and the Castle."
I said " I went out front double doors and ran for it and then I started to pass out."
Winifred said " I know I'm pissed off at that son of a bitch for getting you pregnant I'm so sorry."

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