Chapter 87: Gordon fine's out Voodoo has a twin sister and she's out to get him

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Gordon said " Your her twin sister you look just like her but she had a twin sister all along you'll die like she did."
Rena said " You know what I'm getting tried of you messing with them because they look happy together and they belong with each other it's just you they don't like and the princess doesn't like you."
I said " Rena what are you trying to do get yourself killed."
Rena said " No were trying to keep Gordon away from you because it's like you have some hidden power key or something."
Gordon said " I'll take Rena back to my castle and then I'm going to kill her somewhere else but it won't be at the castle it will be in the underworld."
Winifred said " No!! you can't do that to Voodoo twin sister that's her only sister she has and you killed there family in front of them when they were little just like did mine you killed them."

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