Chapter 57: Poisonous pie

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Voodoo said " Don't worry he will not get her ever again because he can't open the portal back up ever again hell is where he belongs him and Lilith belong there that's there home forever."
Gordon said " Damn it she closed it I can't get her from him at all!!"
Lilith said " Oh......! I think that there is away to get to her in human form it will work she'll think that we're new people."
Gordon said " That's a good idea .....!"
Voodoo said " Something does not feel right you guys."
Winifred said " Yeah I feel it because that does not feel right we have to wait and see what's going to happen."
I said " What is that it so familiar."
Winifred said " I wouldn't eat that pie something's wrong with it don't eat it."
Lilith said " Hello! I live down the street me and my friend and he's fixing the house up and I brought you a pie I hope blueberry pie is your favorite!"
I said " Thank you for the pie oooooh blueberry!"
Winifred said " I wouldn't eat that pie something's wrong with it don't eat it."
Voodoo said " Winifred and Jessica those humans are not normal human beings those humans are Lilith and Gordon don't trust them."
I said " How did you know that."
Voodoo said " You have to look at there eyes there not normal if you eat that pie you will never wake up you'll be sleep forever."
I said " What harm could it do?"
Winifred said " Jessica wake up please wake up."

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