Chapter 47: Wedding kidnapping

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I ask him why and where was he taking me he just laughed evilly at me and put his hand under my wedding dress I screamed " Don't look under there!!" But then he tried taking my close off and I kicked him where it counts and ran away fast as I can but something happened it's like I teleported back to them I kinda landed on Winifred.
But when that happened Gordon found me again this time he knocked Voodoo out and Winifred was trying to save me but he teleported I thought all hope was lost.
Gordon said " Awww what's the matter afraid that I might hurt you."
And Gordon said " No if I can't have you on one will!!"
But he's the devil he's powerful than a human being is. There was no way they could beat him ( he's that father of all lies ) he nocked Voodoo out and Winifred asked if she was ok.
And Voodoo said " Yeah..... I'm ok! We have to save her."
Winifred said " How?"
And Voodoo said " My powers wait what!? My-my powers there gone he took them."
But some how Voodoo made a portal for her and Winifred to get threw.
Basically they found me and Winifred and Gordon was fighting with there powers and he nocked Winifred out and when he was walking towards me he was laughing while then Voodoo got her powers back and blast a big hole into him and he died.

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