Chapter 97: Gordon takes me back again somewhere else

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Gordon said " Now princess your coming with me I don't care what nobody say your not going to be with that loser."
I said " Noooo!! help me!!! don't let him take me again please he's going to try to get me pregnant with his babies I don't want this I want to be with you."
Winifred said " Gordon let her go now she's the love of my life I can't lose her again because she might be pregnant with my babies."
Gordon said " She's not pregnant because I don't feel any baby but guess what I'm still taking her weather you like it or not that demonic wedding ring I put on her it can't come off of her it's attached to her for the rest of her life I own her body and soul."

I said " No!! Please don't I want to be this monster's wife I love you Winifred!!!"

Gordon said " Mu hah hah hah hah!!! Come my love let us go somewhere he can't fine us."

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