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Third Person

Irene went directly to her room, holding her bag and the gift that Greggy gave. Well, Patricia gave it but was from Greggy.

She placed it on her desk, allowing herself to sit on the swivel chair, swaying it side by side as she stared at the box. She sighed and pursed her lips.

It won't open itself, Irene. She scolded herself.

With a deep inhale, she untied the ribbon, tore the white packaging off, and took off the lid. The sides began to fall and it revealed a key. She frowned, What the hell am I going to do with this?

She scratched the back of her head and took the key, and as she did, letters were shown at the center of the key. "XYZ?" She read out loud. What on earth does this mean? She groaned and put the box altogether again.

She left the box sitting on her desk as she changed to much comfortable clothes to sleep in.

It's another day tomorrow.


Irene left the house before the sun was awake. Even though she said that she'd go to the hospital this week, she made a spontaneous decision to just go there unnoticed. But before she drive her way to their hospital, she went to her favorite café.

Well, their favorite café.

She parked her car just to the side and made her way inside the café, smelling the aroma of the coffee being brewed. She missed this place. It was her happy place. Their happy place.

"Good Morning, ma'am!" The barista smiled at her, "Hi! Good morning..." She smiled back. "Do you still serve your coffee with bagels?" She asked, hoping that her past favorites were still on the menu.

"Yes, ma'am!" The barista said cheerfully. Irene sighed in relief and nodded, "Sige, I'll take that, isang order." She smiled at her, "That would be 265 pesos, ma'am." She nodded and gave her the money for her order.

"To go, ma'am?" The barista said as she took the money from her, "Yes, please. Thank you."

The barista just nodded, "We'll call you up ma'am if you're order is ready." With that, Irene went to a vacant seat and sat quietly, customers were slowly swarming up the place.

She took out her phone and took a picture of the place. She and her friends were still keeping up with the technology. Irene posted the picture she took on her Instagram and typed in a caption.

 Irene posted the picture she took on her Instagram and typed in a caption

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She placed her phone at the table and waited for her order. Her phone then lit up and saw that someone sent her a message. She read the username and widened her eyes, What on earth..

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