Twenty Six

541 37 88

Third Person

"Excuse me, restroom muna ako..." Irene smiled at Milo as she stood. "Sige, sige... Bill out na rin ba tayo?" He asked and she nodded.

Irene walked to the restroom without looking behind, she went directly to the sink and wash her hands first. She then opened the door to the restroom and locked it to do her own business.

Greggy, on the other hand, saw that Irene went to the bathroom. So he took this opportunity to follow her and talk to her. "Excuse me..." He smiled at Lorraine and she only nodded while eating her pasta.

He walked quickly and managed to go outside of the bathroom before Irene could go away. She looked at him, wide-eyed. "Excuse me..." She tried to get away but he stopped her.

"Let's talk... Please..." He begged and Irene looked at him, stunned. "About what?" She frowned and her eyebrows met. He gently gripped her wrist to avoid her from going away.

"About us..." He gulped down and looked into her eyes. Irene's forehead scrunched and then she scoffed, "Us? Meron ba tayo?" She looked back at him in the eye.

"Irene... Please..." He pleaded, "Ano?" She stood there, wanting to get away from his hands as the pain slowly went back into her mind.

"Give me one more chance..." He bit his lips, "I...I'll do anything to be with you again..." Irene just bit the insides of her cheeks.

"You're so selfish." She bit her lower lip, "Gusto ko ikaw lang sumaya? Gusto ko ako lang yung magdusa? How come I can't go with other men? You're already married, Greggy. It's no use pretending that we can have something that was already in the past. Masasaktan lang tayo..." She calmly said before withdrawing her hands from him.

"Please... Please stop hurting me... Stop making me feel like I'm just someone you'll run to for convenience. Lorraine is your wife now. If someone will see us like this, problema nanaman sa mga pamilya niyo." Greggy stood there speechless of what she just said.

She sighed before walking away from him, "If you love me, let me go." She looked at him in the eyes and slowly broke contact and finally walked away from him.

Greggy just watched her slip out from his arms and walked away from him. And maybe... Maybe watch her slip onto someone else's arms...


Imee went down to Irene's clinic to give her the needed documents that Irene requested. She also have other plans on going there as she was starting to feel something different.

"Ading..." She knocked softly on the door, "Manang? Come in... Come in!" Irene's voice was heard from the inside. Imee turned the knob and went inside the room. As she closed the door behind her, she smiled at her younger sister.

She walked towards her with the files in her hand, "Ito pala yung pina-request mo kahapon..." She smiled and laid it on her table. Irene smiled back at her sister and nodded, "Thank you, ate..."

Imee then sat down on the chair in front of Irene and rested her elbow on Irene's table. "So... How was yesterday's dinner?"

Irene cocked her head to the side and raised an eyebrow, "Well... It went well?" She hesitantly said. "You're not sure?" Imee chuckled at her.

"Why do I feel like you're here for something else?" Irene squinted her eyes on her older sister and leaned back on her chair.

Imee gasped in faux innocence, "What do you mean? Nangungumusta lang naman ako, ah!" She giggled. Irene rolled her eyes, "Stop beating around the bush ate... What is it?" She asked her sister and leaned forward as her elbows are now resting on the table and her chin on the back of her clasped hands.

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