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Third Person

20 years later...

"Rhaine! Rhiane!" Irene called out to her 22 and 20-year-old daughters. She then heard footsteps coming her way, "Mommy?" Rhaine asked.

Irene smiled at then kissed their foreheads, "Can you go to the attic? Your dad said to find the box that had your toys when you were still young, parang bago pa yun, ido-donate raw natin..."

Rhaine chuckled and nodded, "Sure, ma... Is that all?" She asked, Irene then nodded and patted her daughter's shoulder, "Dito lang kami ng Dad niyo..."

Both of her daughters then faded out of her view, she watched them together running off to the attic to find what their father was looking for. She smiled and let out a sigh before continuing what she was cooking.

20 years have passed by so quickly, and in that 20 years, a lot has happened. It changed her, her point of view, her beliefs, and her principles. Maybe for the better. She stared at the cutting board as she reminisced on those good old days.

She was happy, she really was. And when Milo knelt to the ground and opened up a red velvet box, her spirits rise and she knew it was time for her to settle down. And she was glad that she settled down with Milo. He had never, ever made her disappointed or think twice about her decision to marry him.

He was a splendid husband and father of their children. And it was perfect for them. Irene was cooking for their dinner and later on will be fixing the table for them to eat.

On the other hand, Rhaine and Rhiane had some interesting finds in the corner of the attic. As Rhiane was moving things around to find what they were looking for, a treasure box and a key caught her attention.

"Ate?" She called out to Rhaine who was busy looking for the box. "Ate, what's this?" She handed the treasure box to her older sister. Rhaine tilted her head to the side and took the treasure box out of Rhiane's hand.

Both of them then sat on an old chair laying around the attic. "I don't know? Let's try to open it if we could..." She shrugged.

Her hand moved to the key to insert it into the hole and turned it to the side, unlocking the treasure box's lid. Rhaine and Rhiane then looked at each other. "What's inside?" The younger one asked.

As Rhaine lifted the lid, they found all the letters that were sent by Greggy. Rhaine frowned upon opening, Rhiane was just observing the contents inside.

"Were this made by Dad for Mommy?" The older one shook her head as she lifted up a piece of photograph. "No. It's from her first love siguro..." A smile tugged on the corners of her lips.

"Sino yan?" Her younger sister widened her eyes. "Ahh... I knew that... He was her first love..." Rhiane smiled as they looked at the picture.

"Girls?" Irene's voice rang and it seems like she was climbing up the stairs. The sisters looked at each other before closing the treasure box and hiding it in one of the drawers.

Just in the right track, Irene swung the door open, "Nakita niyo na ba?" She smiled at her daughters before going inside the room.

Rhaine nervously smiled and nodded, "Y...yeah, nandito lang, Mommy." She pointed at the box that had labeled "Old Toys of R&R"

Irene then looked at where she was pointing and nodded, "Okay, please put it downstairs... Thank you, my loves." She kissed the top of their heads and smiled, "Sige na... Go ahead..." She instructed her daughters as Rhaine carried the box of toys.

She was about to follow their trail when a piece of paper caught her attention, "Mauna na kayo..." She called as she bent down to pick it up.

As she looked at what the paper was, a smile formed on her lips. It was their picture. It was her and Greggy. Years and years ago. She looked at the bottom part of the picture and read "Ikaw at Ako, Pangako, Palagi."

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