Eighteen (Explicit)

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Third Person

Irene and Greggy woke up that morning to the rays of the sun peeking through the curtains of her window. Her eyes fluttered as she yawned, she was about to stretch but she felt a huge, stronghold at the back of her. She turned around to Greggy who was still sleeping peacefully, she placed a peck on the tip of his nose before carefully allowing herself to be free from his embrace.

She picked up the plates and glasses from last night and began to clean the table and wash the dishes. She wiped her sink as there were some puddles of water while she was washing.

Without making a sound, she defrosted some bacon and mixed some waffle mix before popping it into her waffle maker. She slid to her coffee maker and reached and opened the drawer to get some coffee filters and the jar of ground coffee.

She lined the coffee filter on the filter basket and dropped 4 scoops of ground coffee, she then put some water on the tank behind the filter and closed the lid off before turning the coffee maker on and making it start brewing their coffee.

Cooking has been a hobby for her as she loves food and loves to explore different cuisines. But there's just something about cooking breakfast...it feels homey.

She fried the bacon that she estimated would suffice for both of them. As the frying went on, she brought the waffles onto a plate and placed them on the dining table before flipping the other side of the bacon to make it crispy. The coffee maker then stopped brewing, telling her that it was already done.

She turned the stove off, putting the bacon on a plate with a sheet of paper towel to drip off the oil. Irene poured the coffee into two mugs and put the used filter in the trash bin before placing the mugs on the table.

As she was cleaning the counters of her kitchen, large arms enveloped her tiny waist. "Ang ganda naman ng umaga ko..." He nuzzled his face on her face, placing soft kisses. "Good morning rin sa'yo..." Irene giggled, "Ano ba... That tickles..." She tilted her head to the side.

"Kain na tayo... The food's ready." She smiled and reached for his hair and stroked it softly while his head was still buried in her neck. "Ikaw na lang kainin ko..." He whispered making Irene slap his arm, "Ikaw talaga!"

"You're my breakfast naman..." He teased her, licking her earlobe.

She closed her eyes as the kisses from her neck traveled to her jaw, to her ears, her nape, and unto her shoulders. She exhaled a shaky breath and gulped down as she bit her lip. "Greggy..." She whispered breathily.

His lips trailed onto her lips, gently turning her around to face him. "Good morning..." He slyly said, leaning in to kiss her lips once again. "I miss you..." She whispered in between kisses. Somehow, their feet took them to the living room once again, their bodies tangled up each other with her on top of him on the couch.

"The food's....gonna....get....cold...." She said as once slow kisses filled into passionate and hungry ones. His hands reached out for her back, allowing him to let one of his hands touch her bare back. "But...that...can wait..." She broke off the kisses as she speak, grinning.

Greggy chuckled and his hands roamed around her body, tracing every curve of hers. She rested her hands on his broad chest to support herself on top, she felt his hands go down to her thighs and caressed them gently. "You're beautiful..." He complimented as she broke off their kiss, sitting on top of him. She could feel his quivering need pushing through his pants and rubbing against her, making her longing rise.

He turned the position around, this time he remained on top. Thank God, Irene's couch was big enough to do certain tasks in it. It took another minute or two for them to rip off each other's clothing and let it all fall down to the floor or wherever. Their body warmth and burning desires for each other made it enough for them to be comfortable in Irene's cold, air-conditioned condominium.

With their chests touching and legs intertwined, he broke off their kiss again to stare at her light brown eyes, like honey. This made Irene groan in frustration, she wanted him to touch her in all the right places. Greggy leaned in again, brushing his lips with hers, "I want to do make love to you in doing it all perfectly..." He whispered making Irene nod and smile.

She wondered what she did to deserve such a loving man. A sweet, gentle, caring, and rough when he needed to be.

The 'slow' and 'steady' actions were agonizingly teasing her. She found herself looking at his erect length, wishing that at any time now, the slow and steady principle he has would break and just let her feel whatever sensation it gives.

His lips were glued to hers as their hands roamed around each other. She wanted to touch him too, to return the favor of pleasure he had given her. But she was left defenseless in the teasing torture. He leaned back, and as she opened her mouth to argue, he shut her off with a quick kiss.

"I'll take it from here..." He smiled as he grabbed both her wrists gently and bringing them together and pinning them at the top of her head. He did what he had to do, making her moan, groan, and whimper on those feelings. He broke off his hold on to her wrists and her hands began to reach for his back and dug her nails into it.

"God..." She breathed out. "You're amazing..."

"Not as amazing as you are..." He smiled as he held her waist to support him in thrusting inside, she lowered herself, wanting to feel closer, their sweating bodies rubbing against each other with every back and forth motion as they move.

The pace fastened and fastened until their bodies moved in sync, "Let it out, moli." He grunted as his movement quickened more. They were both panting, her left hand clutching the throw pillow while her right laid out on his back. Again, in just a matter of seconds, his long-pleasuring groan filled the living room, her mouth fell agape but her eyes closed as they let themselves come together.

They laid down side by side, their breaths heaving from their early morning workout. He wrapped his arms around her waist and looked at her. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, even when her hair was a mess from the rapture, she still looked breathtaking.

"I love you..." He kissed her forehead. "I love you too." She smiled and snuggled closer to his chest.

"Our food's cold na..." She giggled.

He smirked at her, "Hindi kaya... You're hot." He was then greeted by a slap on his chest and a soft laugh. "Come on... Let's eat." She patted his chest and he nodded, "Okay..." He stole a kiss and then dressed for their second breakfast.

"It's still 10:29 pala..." She said as she clasped her bra and finally buttoned down her white polo. "Yep, it's still early..." He said as he buttoned his pants. "Thanks for preparing breakfast, moli..." He hugged Irene from the back and smiled.

"You're always welcome..." She said and they went over to the dining table to finally eat their breakfast.


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