Twenty Eight

637 43 110

Third Person

The atmosphere went from tense to lose. As the night deepened, some people have already bid goodbye (especially to those who have children), but many still stayed to enjoy the night.

Music that was once hyped up has now turned to slow jazz, making the people sway through the dance floors.

Irene and Imee were talking about the bidding that happened earlier when Milo walked toward them with a smile on his face.

"Can I borrow your sister for a while, Ims?" Imee chuckled at him and nodded, "Sure... Pwede nga wag mo nalang ibalik." She said this while Irene slapped her sister's shoulder lightly.

Milo offered his arm for her to hold on to as they walked to the dance floor, "May I have this dance?" He chuckled and Irene just rolled her eyes, "Of course..."

(C/N: Play this for more feels)

As the song serenaded the dance, Milo and Irene looked at each other as they glided through the floors. "Thank you..." Irene smiled, he then raised an eyebrow at her, "For?" He asked, smiling..

Lovely, never, never change
Keep that breathless charm
Won't you please arrange it?

"For being here with me tonight..." She scrunched her nose, "Of course, I wouldn't miss it..." He assured her.

And that laugh that wrinkles your nose
It touches my foolish heart

Irene leaned into his chest and laid her head comfortably on it. She could hear his heartbeat, she smiled and closed her eyes as they danced through the song. "Mil?" She called, her head still on his chest. "Hmm?" He hummed as he rested his chin on the top of her head.

"Para kanino mo ibigay yung painting?" She asked softly.

Milo then smiled, "Sayo..." He whispered. This then made Irene look up at him, "Sa'ken? Bakit?" She tilted her head. "You wanted it diba? The opportunity was there, so I grabbed it. Para rin naman makatulong sa charity..." He smiled at her.

"Sus, sabi nga ni Manang kanina na plus pogi points daw yun!" She jested making the both of them laugh.

Cause I love you
A-just the way you look tonight

He grinned at her, "Sabagay, maybe I need that point rin." Irene raised an eyebrow, "Hmm? What do you mean by that?"

"Can I court you?" He asked directly.

She then stopped dancing as she felt her cheeks blush, Milo then looked into her eyes, "Can you come with me?" Irene raised both her eyebrows and nodded, "To?" He smiled, "It's a surprise..."

Irene scoffed and began to follow Milo by her side. He took her to the balcony of the ballroom, where they could see the moon shining brightly at them. Irene felt her heart clench as she was reminded of Greggy because of the moon. She quickly shook the thoughts away as she looked at Milo's eyes.

They were now standing in front of each other, Milo's hands holding hers. "Irene..." He started. Irene felt nervous about what he was going to do, she knows what was going to happen next, and she is not too sure how to react.

"Irene, I know we just met for a couple of months now but... It seems as if I gravitate towards you, and I was thinking, now that we're always spending time together... If...If I could get this chance to tell you that I've fallen for you and that I want to pursue you... Of course, if you would only consent me to." He paused, breathing in.

"I want to let you know that my intentions are pure and that I see you as a woman who knows herself more than anyone. But, I want to... If you let me, to know you more too." He continued.

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