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Third Person

A month after graduating college, Irene brought news that made her heart leap out of joy. She got accepted to study in London Imperial College of Medicine. Her dream school.

Only one thing that was bothering her, was how to tell her boyfriend. Sure, he was always supportive in choosing her career, but being away seems to be a problem. It would be hard on him as it would be on her. They're going to be separated. And that could only mean one thing, break up.

"Irene, makinig ka nga muna." Greggy sighed, his thumb and index finger on his temples. "No! Ikaw yung makinig! God, Greggy! Alam mong gustong gusto ko 'to!" She yelled.

Greggy rubbed his face in frustration, "There are medical schools here." He closed his eyes. Irene groaned, "I know! Pero gusto ko dun, ano ba'ng hindi mo maintindihan?"

"Sana ako na lang ang London. Sana ako na lang ang medical school. Para naman maramdaman ko na gusto mo rin ako." Greggy hardened his jaw and turned away from her.

Irene scoffed, "You're so selfish. You know what, if you couldn't be an adult in this situation, let's just go home." She chewed the insides of her cheeks. The drive to her house was deafening, the silence was deafening.

It was a sunny afternoon, contrary to what they felt, when Greggy dropped off Irene to their house. She climbed off from his car, to which he opened the door, and gave him a smile. "Thanks." She mumbled.

Greggy pursed his lips and felt himself holding his breath, Irene looked at him hesitantly, "Ma...mauna na ako..." She stepped forward but was stopped by Greggy's arm.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, Irene's eyes glistened as tears started to form. "I'm sorry..." He repeated, thinking that if he repeats his apology, his mistakes will shrink. Irene stood there, unable to think of any words.

He didn't want her to go to England, it would be too hard for their relationship to go on without seeing each other for how many months, maybe years. It was selfish. But love makes you selfish. Right?

She kept her head low, not wanting to look at his eyes, "Let's...let's see each other soon." She said in a shaky voice, not wanting him to know that she was trying hard not to cry.

"Don't leave..." He pleads.

She looked at him, straight to the eye, "It's my dream, Greggy. I don't want to waste the opportunity."

He sighed, knowing that it was true. It was her dream to become a renowned pediatric surgeon. He doesn't have the heart to be a hindrance in achieving that dream of hers. And if going in their separate ways to grow individually was the answer to let her reach that, so be it. "I'll write you." He said, pressing their foreheads together.

She nodded, "I'll miss you." She uttered, no hesitations.

He stroked her hair, not wanting to break away. "Tell me you'll write me too." He swallowed a lump on his throat. She smiled and nodded, "I will." They hugged.

"Please don't forget about me." She said, her chin resting on his shoulder, eyes closed. He tightened the hug, "I will never."

They broke away, tears were forming on his eyes. "So, I guess... This is goodb-"

"No." She cut him off, "This isn't goodbye, Greggy. Tell me you'll wait for me." She held back her tears.

"I...I will. Hihintayin kita." He smiled, the heavy weight disappearing. She smiled back, "Aasahan ko yan."

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