Twenty Nine

742 53 195

Third Person

Greggy drove himself to HeBREW, buying the same orders they used to order. He placed it on the table, arranging the coffee and cheesecake on each places. He felt nervous, it maybe their closure.

He sat there, sipping on his coffee from time to time. He looked at the envelope placed beside hus cheesecake. It was the envelope he wrote last night after she messaged him.

"Hey..." A feminine voice rang through his ears. An all too familiar voice he used to know. He looked up to see Irene smiling, "I hope I didn't make you wait that long..." She slipped in to the chair in front of him and then looked at the food in front, she then smiled, "Thanks..."

Greggy just offered her small smile and bit his lip, "Before we get into the things we want to say, or you want to say... Can I just say that I miss you?"

Irene widened her eyes and smiled, "I missed you too, Greggy..."

He nodded and leaned back to his chair, "I already readied myself for today..." He chuckled, "Me too..." She countered in chuckling.

"I want to start off by saying thank you... Thank you for everything that we have shared since then. Thank you for always being that person who never gave up on me and who never doubted every decision I took." She smiled, holding back her tears.

"Thank you for proving to me that even if you were hurting, you were capable of loving me. Thank you because in ways I could not imagine, you still loved me." Her voice started to shake.

Greggy looked at her, not wanting to stop her from talking, she looked back to his eyes and smiled. "Though even through all the thank you's, I also want to say sorry to you." A tear rolled down her left eye.

"I apologize for the things that I lacked off... I'm sorry for the parts that I am not enough." Her voice cracked. "I...I'm sorry because I could have been this or that. I'm sorry that I can no longer fight. Because I'm tired..." She paused.

Her tears were rolling down her face even when she was smiling, "I'm tired of fighting with you and fighting for you... So I'm letting you go... And please, if you love me too, let me go."

Greggy gave her his handkerchief, "Here..." He smiled. "Stop crying..." He softly said, "Hindi naman umuulan sa buwan diba?"

Irene chuckled at her as she wiped her tears away, "Hmmhm..." She hummed, nodding.

"Sabi ko rin sa'yo noon na hindi ako papayag na luluha ang buwan..." He smiled, "At sana naman hindi ka na paluluhain ng taong mamahalin mo sa susunod..."

Irene chuckled as her tears rolled down again, "Wag ka nga!"

"I'll visit Xab and ask for an apology to her... Hindi ko natupad mga pangako ko..." He looked down. "I know Xab will understand... She just wants us to be happy..." She smiled at him. "Ba yan..." She chuckled.

Greggy just laughed at her, "Eat and drink... You need the energy..."

She just nodded and took a slice on her cheesecake, raising her fork to eat the piece of cake. "I'm gonna miss this!" She closed her eyes as she tasted the richness of the cake.

"You don't have to cut coffee and cheesecake too!" He chuckled, slicing himself a piece of cake. Irene just smiled and nodded, "I won't."

They shared their coffee and cheesecake that afternoon. Never knowing that that would be their last one shared together.

Her eyes went to the envelope that was sitting beside the cheesecake plate, "Ano yan?" She asked. He looked at what her eyes were looking at and smiled, "I'll give that to you later." She frowned but nodded.

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