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Third Person

She went home that day, feeling...nice.

She placed her bag on her table and looked at herself in the mirror. "Wag ka ngang mag-smile smile diyan, Irene. 'Di ka na teenager..." She scolded herself and took off the smile she had. She heard her phone tinged, she dug her hand in her bag and took out her phone.

 She heard her phone tinged, she dug her hand in her bag and took out her phone

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She hummed. "Well..." When she felt herself smile, she reminded herself again not to. She opened her phone to reply to his message.

She thought for a while on what she'd answer and began to type on her phone

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She thought for a while on what she'd answer and began to type on her phone. Never expecting that it would turn to a conversation.

She's playing with fire and she's willing to get burned

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She's playing with fire and she's willing to get burned. At least... it was the same flame she got burnt with years ago.

Here's to rekindling an old flame. She thought as she put her phone on her desk and went to her bathroom to wash off the dirt that day and change to some clean, comfortable clothes.

She turned the shower on and sang whatever was on the top of her head. She still sings. Just in the shower. She has already gave that talent of hers way back.

"Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be"

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