Alternate Ending

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Third Person

Their communication kept on going on for years even after they said their goodbyes. So many things have happened between the 3 years of their separate lives

Lorraine's father has passed away due to heart failure. Irene and Milo broke up due to conflicts of work schedules (but of course, they remained as good friends). Greggy and Lorraine now have the opportunity to divorce and go on with their lives.

Irene was happy about this news. Happy for Lorraine as she can now have her dream to be married to someone she truly loves. And... happy for Greggy as he was now free from the baggage that his parents left him.

He may have been an obedient son but he wasn't a happy man because he was deprived of the happiness that only Irene could only give.

But now everything has changed and it was time for their story to continue.

Because even in every separate path they take, they always go back to each other's arms. No matter the distance they stay away, they always gravitate back together. And no matter the miles they held back, Irene and Greggy always meet halfway.

And that's the beauty to have a soulmate.

To have a soulmate in your lifetime. Because every road you take will only take you back to them.

It's as if the universe was telling you that now's the time for you to continue your stories to tell. The hiatus has now broken.

Irene was on her own, enjoying a glass of wine, feeling the cold breeze of that night. Greggy and Lorraine's divorce was already approved last month, and that means they're free from the chains they were bound in.

She sipped on her glass as she closed her eyes, leaning her head back. "You've had too many glasses of wine tonight..." A voice was heard and a thump of a closing door was followed.

Her lips curved up, still closing her eyes, "Hello, stranger..."

Warm, large hands stroked her shoulders and a kiss on her forehead was felt, "Hello, stranger..." He responded.

"How's your day?" She smiled as her eyes fluttered open to see a man whose hair was disheveled. "What happened to your hair?" She scrunched her nose.

Greggy just chuckled and shook his head, "The construction is doing good." He brought a chair and placed it beside hers. "And this?" He pointed at his hair before sitting down on the chair.

"It's the wind's fault. It was so windy earlier." He chuckled and reached for her free hand. He then brought it up to his lips and placed a peck on the back.

"I missed you..." She looked into his eyes and smiled. "I missed you too..." He played with her hand.

A comfortable silence fell on them, an empty glass of wine sitting on top of the glass table. The moon shone brightly at them.

He turned to her, appreciating how the moonlight swept illuminance on her face. "You know... I had a crazy plan..." He smiled.

Irene looked at him and hummed, "Hmm?" He, again, reached out to her left hand and began to play with her fingers. "It's crazy..." He repeated.

"What is crazy?" She chuckled and looked at him, waiting for an answer.

He then decided to tease her, "Oh, nothing... It's crazy..." He chuckled making Irene rolled her eyes playfully, "What's crazy?" She hit his shoulder lightly.

"It's crazy how fitting it would be if you have a ring placed in here..." He kissed the ring finger of her left hand. Irene raised an eyebrow and smirked, "Yeah... That is crazy..." She chuckled.

Greggy then slip a hand into his back pocket and showed Irene what he got.

A pave split-shank ring with a band full of little diamonds, topping it with a teardrop diamond cut shape stone.

"Marry me?" He smiled.

Irene gasped as the diamonds twinkled through the gleam of the moonlight. Her eyes were glued to the ring and then to Greggy's eyes. It held the same twinkle as the ring gave off.

He slowly took her left hand, "It's long overdue to marry you, Riny... I have loved you for how many years and there hasn't been a day where I stopped loving you. Not a day goes by where I stop thinking about you."

His eyes traveled from her hands to her eyes, "It's gonna be a long and hard road to take... But as long as it's with you, I couldn't care less."

Her tears were starting to fall, happiness has entered her heart. Greggy held up his hand and wiped the tears away, "So... What do you say, Moli... Yes? Or Definitely?" He smiled.

"Definitely," Irene uttered, making Greggy grin. He took her hand gently... and slowly... slowly slipping the ring on her finger before placing a kiss on the top of it.

"Oh, how I prayed for this day to come..." He mumbled. Irene cupped his face and smiled, "I love you, always..." She started.

"I love you, forever..." He responded, leaning in closer and closer. The gaps that separated between them were now gone as their tongues danced through from their lips to the other.

They withdraw themselves from their kiss, their foreheads pressed against each other with their eyes still closed.

"We made it, Riny..." He smiled, stroking her hand with his thumb.

Irene leaned back and looked at him, "We fulfilled our promise to Xab." He smiled. Irene's face then softened and a smile crept up at her lips. "We did..."

And that night will always be in their minds forever. As the song goes;

"But maybe there'll be no falling stars this time around
I still believe that honesty is all we'll ever need
You and me again, maybe..."

But now all the maybe's have become nulled because all they know is that they are sure of themselves, sure of their decisions, and sure of their actions. No doubts, no hesitations, and definitely, no turning back.

Greggy looked at Irene again and thought, The moon is happy and I should be.


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