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Third Person

They've agreed to meet up at the same place, same time, every Friday. Greggy and Irene have shown that inner glow and everybody knew about it, but them.

Imee has also observed how her sister was very giddy and happy. And she loves that for her.

As she said, "Well, it's about time!"


Irene was fixing her things when a knock on her door was heard, "Come in." She half-shouted as she organized her desk.

"Hey." A voice of a man came, her head looked up and a grin on her face formed as soon as she grasped who it was. "Hey." She said and threw her arms at him. "Ready?" He smiled and tangled his arms on her waist.

"Mhmm!" She hummed and reached for the handle of her bag. "Tara?" Greggy nodded at her and held the door open for her.

Greggy reserved a dinner for the two of them at a newly opened restaurant. It was owned by Greggy's cousin, Timothy.

They arrived at the restaurant just 10 minutes before their said reservation time. They were taken to a private booth where Irene was stunned to know.

As they were seated in front of each other, she threw him a look. "You didn't tell me they have these shenanigans."

Greggy chuckled at her and shook his head, "Well, these shenanigans for a well-heeled woman." He smirked which made Irene kick his feet under the table. "Well-heeled ka diyan!"

He just laughed at her and proceeded to look at the menu for their dinner.

"Is that fine for you?" He asked her, charming. She thought. Irene nodded to his question and smiled. "Yeah, it's the chef's choice diba?" She asked back to which Greggy just nodded. "Okay na yun." She assured.

A waiter then knocked on the wood before drawing the red curtain for privacy a little at the side. "Ma'am, Sir, From Sir Timothy po." He smiled.

"Oh, thank you. Pakisabi ni Timmy salamat..." Greggy smiled at him as the waiter placed the bucket full of ice and a bottle of champagne. After that, he smiled at the couple and made his way out for their privacy.

"Thanks for coming with me..." Greggy smiled as he popped the champagne and poured it into their glasses evenly. He grabbed the stem of his glass and lifted it up to have a toast. She did the same and smiled, "To our love and our life." Greggy grinned.

Irene chuckled, "Our love talaga ha." They clinked their glasses and took a sip of their drink. "Of course!" Greggy winked.

Irene suddenly remember the key he gave her on her birthday, "Gre-" A knock came again, and this time their appetizers were served. There's still room for next time, I guess. She thought as she disregarded the question.

The dinner went fine, as always. The food was delicious, the champagne was sparkling, and the company was warm. It was time to go home after a long evening. Tipsy in love, not in alcohol.

"Hatid na kita..." He said as he lifted his hand, waiting for her to place hers at the top. And she did. They walked to the parking lot, and opened the passenger sear door for her to sip in before he goes to his seat.

It was already dark as they finished their meal in quite some time. He checked the time in his car's head unit, at 10:38.

She looked at the moon through the windows. "The moon's happy, don't you think?" She murmured as she looked at the bright, full moon.

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