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Third Person

Greggy and Irene drove to Bongbong's house in their separate cars. They were already inside the house, waiting for Bonget to call them if the dinner was ready. In the living room, there was Liza, Imee, Tommy, Irene, and Greggy.

Irene and Greggy were sitting beside each other on a couch in front of Imee and Tommy's seat. With Greggy's arm on Irene's back, Imee seemed to notice this.

They were having the usual small talk about the weather, their work, their families, and just about everything but still leaving things to talk about at dinner.

"Hey, guys! Dinner's ready..." Bongbong said, smiling as he emerged from their kitchen. He went to Liza to guide her but was then greeted by a smack on the arm, "Kaya ko! Ano ba." Liza chuckled at him.

Imee and Irene shook their heads and chuckled, "OA mo naman, kuya." Irene teased as they all walked towards the kitchen.

"Hindi noh. Gentleman tawag dun." Bongbong chuckled.

The men, simultaneously, pulled a chair for their wife (well, a special friend for Greggy) to sit on and pushed it lightly to make them comfortable before sitting on their seat beside them.

"By pair na pala tayo dito..." Bongbong grinned at Irene and Greggy. "Nako... Parang hotseat pala ako dito..." Greggy was ridiculed, earning light laughs from the others.

Imee leaned back to see Greggy, "Nako Greggy... Maghanda ka." Laughs were heard in that room and as they faded away, Bongbong started to lead the prayer before meals.

Amen's were then heard and everyone began to start digging into the food. "Thanks, Bongets for the food." Imee smiled as Tommy placed a piece of quesadilla on Imee's plate.

They were having Mexican food (one of their favorites) that night. Taco's, Enchiladas, Mexican Lasagna, Chicken Fajitas and etc.

"Kailan ang kasal, Rene?" Liza, who doesn't know Greggy and Irene weren't together, asked out of the blue. This made Irene choke on her taco, she was coughing loud, tears forming as she reached out for the water that Greggy was handing.

Liza looked horrified, she looked at Bongbong who just laughed. "Bakit?" She asked in innocence.

As Irene sniffed, she composed herself while chuckling nervously, "We're not together, Liz." Liza's eyes then grew, "Talaga? I thought you two were together ever since you walked inside the house."

Greggy smiled, "Well... We're not yet together." He winked at Irene making her blush. "Ano ba." Irene whispered.

Liza nodded slowly, smiling teasingly. "Ahhh, not together yet pala..." She continued to eat while smiling.

Irene fanned herself with her hand, "Ang init-init... Palakasan mo pa aircon niyo, kuya..." She wiped her sweat with her handkerchief.

Imee chuckled, "Ang lamig-lamig na nga eh... Baka ikaw lang diyan kasi nasa hot seat ka." Irene just glared at her sister and continued to eat in silence. Greggy was stroking her back (as she just choked on her food) as he ate.

The dinner was splendid, teasing was present whenever Bongbong and Imee were around, peals of laughter were shared, stories have been told, and goals were said.


As they were done with dinner, desserts were served on the veranda of Bongbong and Liza's house.

Bongbong, Tommy, and Greggy were talking over something with a bottle of Johnny Walker. Dessert, they say.

Imee and Liza were talking about their pregnancy, Liza asking Imee about what to expect, what to do, what changes would happen, and everything a first-time mother should know about.

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