Twenty Five

577 46 81

Third Person

Months passed by and their lives began to move forward. Greggy and Irene's communication faltered and they haven't seen nor heard from each other. She went back to her clinic at their hospital and he went back to continue their architectural legacy.

It was hard for both of them to move on, but they had to, right? How can you fight for your love when the other one is already married?

She has been open to new relationships but she wasn't able to commit herself to a new one. While Greggy on the other hand is in a loveless marriage. It was quite funny that he and Lorraine may have lived in the same house, his and her rooms were separated.

They just couldn't find the courage to force the other one to sleep beside them.

Irene was on her way to her sister's office when someone called out her name, "Irene!"

She turned her head and saw Milo walking toward her. Over the months, they've been great friends, celebrating each other's success and all. But it never went beyond the line. Just friends.

"Ui! Milo!" She smiled and waved at him, "Good news." He grinned. Irene's eyes widened and her forehead scrunched, "Ano yun?"

"Remember the case I held at sa London?" She nodded, "Well, we won..." He lift his hands up in the air and grinned. Irene's mouth fell down and they both shared an embrace. "Grabe! After months nanalo na!" She patted his back.

"Diba?" They withdrew, "Ano... Are you free later?" He asked, waiting for her to respond. She just nodded, "Dinner tayo?" She asked, "Syempre libre mo!"

Milo just laughed, "Oh sige ba!" His thick English accent still swerved on his Tagalog. Irene laughed at him, "Come on, samahan mo muna ako kay Manang."

They both walked to Imee's office and greeted some of the staff as they passed. When they got to her office, Irene knocked on the door and waited for Imee to say, "Come in."

Both of them walked in and Imee's face brightened up, "Oh! Magkasama kayo?" Irene nodded, "Yeah, magdi-dinner kami mamaya..." She smiled.

Milo smiled at Imee, "Oh? Anong occasion?" She looked at both of them, "Nanalo yung kaso na hinahandle ko..." Milo grinned.

"Oh! Congratulations!" Imee stood up and hugged Milo. "Wala ka bang pang libre diyan?" She joked, "Nako... mamaya na siguro, kami muna ni Rinrin." He chuckled.

"Rinrin?" Her eyebrow raised, looking at Irene, "Pauso kasi 'yan!" Irene laughed. "Anyway, ate... I need the documents of the mothers that gave birth this week."

Imee nodded and wore her glasses, "Yeah, sure. Will give the documents tomorrow." She smiled, "Sige na, mag-dinner na kayo." She waved her hand dismissively.

"Nasan ba si Tommy, Ims?" Milo took a look around on her office, "Nako, busy yun, nasa clinic pa niya may inaaral." She smiled.

"Sige, ate... Mauna na kami." Irene smiled and they both waved goodbye to her. "Take care kayo." Imee smiled and waved back.


"Anong feel mo ngayon?" He asked as he turned his engine on. She wore her seat belt and looked at him, "Ikaw? You're the one who'll be paying naman..." She smiled.

"Eh, ano naman if I'm gonna be the one who'll pay? We're both going to eat naman." He said. "You sound so conyo." Irene laughed.

He glanced at her and raised an eyebrow, "Anong conyo? Ikaw ha, you're spending so much time in the internet."

Irene chuckled, "I think that's what they call the kids who speak like that? Yung taglish?" She explained. "Hays, cut down your social media..." He scolded and laughed.

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