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Third Person

Irene arrived at the foot of her older sister's door, she knocked and decided to show herself in. Imee's head turned to her and had a worried expression, which led Irene to scrunch her forehead, "Bakit?"

Imee stood up, "Akala ko ano na ang nangyari sa'yo..." She pulled Irene into a hug, Irene was stunned at first but decided to return the hug back. "Actually, may nangyari nga..." She looked at her sister as they pulled back.

Her sister's face showed curiosity, "Greggy and I were stuck in the elevator."

Imee then chuckled, "Oh, yeah. I forgot to tell you pupunta rin yun kay Tommy. May ipapacheck up daw." Irene looked at her sister smugly, "Thanks for informing me this late, ate..."

They both shared a laugh before they sat down beside each other, "So? What's the purpose on why you're here?"

Irene sighed, "Trabaho, trabaho." She chuckled, "Do you still have somewhere vacant where I can stay temporarily?" Imee thought for a minute, "Meron, of course. Dad placed you in a clinic even though wala ka dito noh."

Their family owns hospitals around the country. Her mother and father were renowned surgeons and met in the hospital, her mother being a General Surgeon, her father being an Orthopedic Surgeon.

Her sister, Imee, is an Obstetrician-Gynecologist, and her brother, Bongbong, is a Cardiologist. Well, they were a family of doctors. They eat pressure for breakfast.

Irene rests her head on the couch, "I'll be here for a while... I have to be there every step in Xab's pre-surgery and recovery." Imee looked at her, "Xab?"

She nodded, "Patricia's daughter. The one I told you about? Yung may tumor..."

Her mouth formed the letter 'O' as she slowly nodded, "Welcome to Marcos Med, Quality, Defined." She winked making Irene laugh. "I feel welcomed."


Greggy went home and just couldn't stop thinking of his approach to Irene. She was there, though they've grown apart, there's still that familiar feeling that tugged his heartstrings.

"You're brooding again..." A voice rang. He was in his study, staring into the unknown. "So... That was Irene, huh..." Lorraine smiled, genuinely. He thought.

He took a deep breath, composed himself on his swivel chair, and nodded. "Yep. That's her."

She sat in front of him, "You used to look at me the way you looked at her yesterday..." She started. He knew what was going on in this conversation. And he hated himself for it.

He sighed, "Look, I'm really so-" He was cut off by Lorraine who smiled and looked at him, "It's fine, Greggy... I just... I don't know... What I know is, you still have something for her that I can never ever fill in..."

She reached out for his hand and gave it a tight squeeze, "And it's okay. I understand." She smiled.

Greggy felt confused about what she was talking about but returned the smile, "Lorraine, thank you for understanding..."

"Let's have dinner soon." She suggested, making him look at her twice, "Lagi mo siyang kinukwento sa'ken, now that I got the opportunity to meet her... I'll take the chance..."

Greggy nodded, "Alright..."


Days flew by and Irene was getting used to her setup in their hospital. She got patients now as she was recommended by many.

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