Valentines Day Special

771 37 33

Third Person

When: Teenage Riny and Regy

It was a Friday. And it was a day before Valentine's, both Irene and Greggy had already planned to go to Tagaytay for their Valentine's day date.

But an unexpected fight ceased the date.

"So what now? Hindi mo na ako papakinggan? We've already been over this a hundred times, Rene!" He sighed in frustration.

Irene looked at him, her eyebrows furrowed, "We already made plans. Why'd you had to go and ruin it? This is the only time na nga that we'll spend alone together and now you're here asking me if we could postpone it for what? For your football game?" She frowned.

"You know how much I support you and your sports, but God, this is the only thing I asked of you!" She continued.

Greggy knew how frustrated and disappointed Irene was. They've been looking forward to spending their weekend in Tagaytay (to which he had to make ligaw to her parents so they'd allow her to go with him).

All that effort and he just wants it to postpone.

"Come on, Rene... I promise I'll make it up to you... I'm sorry..." He frowned at her. They were inside his car on an empty parking lot beside their football field.

Irene sighed, "Wala naman siguro akong magawa, diba? Just take me home." She said, not looking at him in the eyes.

"Rene..." He reached out for her hand but she was quick enough to divert it to the other direction and simply fastened her seatbelt.

Greggy sighed, stepped on the break before letting down the hand break, and drove away from the parking lot. The whole ride was quiet, eyes were not meeting, and words were unspoken.

He took a left turn to their subdivision and nodded to the guard who already knew who he was. He kept on glancing at Irene who was sitting there, crossing her arms, and looking outside the window.

He drove to her house and parked his car in front of the steps to their main door. "Riny... Don't shut me down..." He whispered.

Irene looked at him and sighed, "I am not shutting you down, Regy. I'm just not in the mood to talk. If I talk, I might say things that I don't mean." She explained as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

"Okay..." He sighed and reached for her hand. This time, she lets him.

He raised her hand towards his lips and kissed the back of it. "I'll make it up to you. Promise." He gripped it gently.

Irene couldn't do anything but look at him. "Don't promise anything. You know I'm not fond of promises."

Greggy nodded. He kisses her hand again before letting it go and going out of the car to open the door for her. Irene climbed out of the car and smiled at him. "Thank you." She mumbled.

He shut the car door close and looked at her, "I'll see you when I see you..." He kissed her forehead and touched his forehead to hers.

"I love you, always." He smiled.

Her nose touched his and she smiled, "I love you, forever."

He then placed another kiss on her forehead before leaning back. "Go on... I'll drive away when you're already inside..."

Irene nodded, tiptoed, and placed a kiss on his cheek before running towards their large doors. She turned her heel and waved at him before turning the door knob and going inside their house.

He waved back when she did and went inside his car to drive his way back home.


Valentines Day then went faster than Irene expected. She was lounging in their living room and as the sound of her older sister's turn table got louder, it irritated her.

"I finally found someone... someone to share my life... I finally found the one... to be with every night... cause whatever I do, it's just got to be you..."

"Manang! Turn your music down" She whined as she sat down on her bed.

"Ba yan! Ikaw pa nga may jowa, ikaw pa bitter!" Imee rolled her eyes as she toned the volume down.

Bonget chuckled, "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." He jested.

Irene rolled her eyes at her older brother and sulked deeper on the couch. "What's wrong? Akala ko mag Ta-Tagaytay kayo ni Greggy?" Bongbong and Imee sat down beside her, squishing their little sister.

"Football." She replied.

"Football? Hmm..." Bongbong smirked as he saw a car roll down to their driveway. "Then who... who might be the person who'll ring the doorbell?" Imee smirked.

Irene looked at them confusingly, "What? Like what?" She asked. Both her older siblings just shrugged and looked at their door.

"You both are acting weird..." She frowned and crossed her arms.

Then, by any coincidence (or not), someone rang their doorbell. Bongbong and Imee automatically pushed Irene out of the couch and shoved her away.

"Aray! Kung maka ano naman kayo!" She rolled her eyes. "Wag ka nang umarte! Go!" Imee shooed her away.

Irene walked to the door, grunting and muttering over her siblings being annoying. She turned the doorknob and swung it open. "Can I he-" She cut herself off and widened her eyes to see who it was.

"Hey there... Will you be my Valentine?" Greggy smiled.


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