Twenty Four

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Third Person

Greggy waited at their usual seat inside the café, his fingers fidgeting on the hen of his polo as he calm himself from the nervousness he felt.

He check on his watch and it was already 10 minutes after 4 and Irene was still not there. He sighed and sipped on his coffee. Heels clacking towards him made his head turn around.

And she was there.

Greggy stood up and looked at her, "Rene..." He softly spoke. Irene hardened her jaw and sat down in front of him, "Sabihin mo na kung anong gustong sabihin mo." She coldly said, looking into his eyes.

He took his seat, clasped his hands together, and breathed in. "I know how shocked you were when it was televised... Pero believe me, I don't love Lorraine and you know that. Hindi namin ginusto 'to, but our parents were so eager because our firm is crumbling. Nagwi-withdrew na naman yung investors, remember the project I told you about? Scam yun."

Irene raised an eyebrow and Greggy went on, "Hindi na nagpakita yung owner. Gâgo kasi... Anyway, back to the reason... At the same time, Lorraine's parents didn't like Lorraine's boyfriend since minaliit nila... They wanted their daughter to wed someone as their level." He swallowed a lump in his throat before continuing.

"So with our business crumbling and they didn't want Lorraine's boyfriend... They resorted to the original plan of having us married." He frowned as Irene's cold expression didn't fall.

"It's the truth... Kaya nga civil ceremony lang..." He sighed and looked down.

"Lorraine and I planned to divorce, but we don't know when since our parents would hinder it from happening." Greggy looked at Irene, "I'm sorry... I am really..." He pleaded.

Irene held back her tears, "Just say that your mom doesn't like me too. Just say that your mom didn't want you to marry me because I'm a daughter of her husband's ex." She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

Greggy was taken aback, "Huh? Anong pinagsasabi mo?" He asked. "What do you mean my father's ex? Si Tita Meldy? Ex ni Pa?" Irene nodded.

"That's beside the point." She paused, "Are you done?"

Greggy sighed, "Irene... I'm really sorry for not telling you. I wanted to but-"

"But you didn't." She cut him off. "You wanted to pero hindi mo ginawa. You waited for me to know sa news instead of from your own mouth. You don't know how hurt I was when I found out that you're already married. Tell you, my father sent someone to break the news to me. Pero ikaw? Wala. Wala kang ginawa kundi mag sorry ng mag sorry."

Her voice was shaking as she held back her tears, "You caused so much pain again and again. Ano yun temporary happiness lang and then magkakasakitan nanaman?"

Greggy hang his head down, "I'm sorry... I tried to stop them, I promise. Ginawa ko na lahat para lang hindi ako makasal kay Lorraine. She already talked and done everything she can to stop the wedding pero wala. Wala kaming nagawa kasi gusto ng mga magulang namin." He tried to explain.

Irene smirked, "Sorry, I'm really sorry..." He uttered again and again. He was about to reach for her hand but she quickly withdrew it.

"Stop saying sorry. I don't care anymore. I don't want to hear it again. What's the point of you saying sorry if you're going to do it again? If you're going to hurt me again?" She frowned at him, her hand balled into fists.

"If you're done... Then we're also done." She slipped the ring off of her finger and placed it on the table. "But... Thank you." She said, standing up.

She tried to smile at him and then walked away. He was left alone there, contemplating if he stays or he goes follow her.

But he chose the latter. He stayed there. Staring at the ring he gave her. It was over there.

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