Twenty Seven

573 46 100

Third Person

The doorbell rang and Irene quickly moved to the door and swung it open as she was trying to wear her right earring. Milo stood there in his suit and freshly cut hair with a bouquet of Gardenia flowers on hand.

"Good evening..." He smiled, Irene moved from the doorstep to let him inside. "Good evening, Milo..." She smiled and kissed his cheek before she closed the door.

Milo walked in and handed the flowers to her, "For you..." He said. Irene chuckled and received the flowers in her arms, "You didn't have to... And, wow! Gardenia... Ano nga meaning ng flowers na 'to?" She turned to him as she laid the bouquet down.

"It's for you to find out." He shrugged and sat down on the couch. Irene just rolled her eyes at him and continued to fix herself.

"I have to put some accessories and my shoes, and off we go!" She informed and Milo just chuckled. "Okay..."

She then reached out for her necklace on the center table of her living room (she had already bought her own house) and tried to get the clasp locked, to which she is failing miserably sure to her nails.

Milo stood up from the couch and got the necklace from her hand, "Ako na..." He softly said and his hands ascended to wear the necklace of Irene's neck.

His fingers touched the sides of her shoulders making her shudder. He then locked the clasp and smiled, "There..." Irene turned to him and patted his cheek, "Thank you."

She turned away and looked for her heels, as soon as she got them, she slipped them onto her foot and looked at herself from her toes to her dress and into her face with the mirror.

"You look gorgeous already... Don't fret..." Milo commented, standing up again from the couch. Irene blushed at his comment and quickly hid it with a smile, "Sus."

She was wearing a sleeved black dress that falls just on top of her elbows. It had a C neckline and she added a silver belt around her waist making the top part kind of loose. She paired it off with heels, it was maybe a 3-inch heel.

(C/N: Ang hirap mag explain ng sinusuot sa babae basta yung suot niya nung sumasayaw sila ni Alfy at Luis pero make it black)

And Milo was wearing an old classic black suit, a white dress shirt, and a silver tie that matched Irene's belt.

"Ready?" Milo went up to her and smiled. Irene looked at him and pursed her lips, "Wait... Let me...just..." She said the words slowly as she fixed his tie. As she finished, she patted his shoulder and smiled, "There."

"Come on now, we'll be late..." Milo offered her his arm and she gladly took it. He opened the door for her and they walked out before he closed the main door.


"Good Evening, doc.. Good Evening, attorney..." The speaker of the gala greeted them, "Good evening..." They greeted back as they went inside the ballroom.

"Grabe, remind me again what this gala is for?" Milo chuckled as they make their way from the entrance to the table they were assigned to sit in. "It's for good cause... Auction of some sort... Anyway, that's the exciting part 'cause those who are rich will let their money work. And it's kind of them to donate it to the hospital, but let's be honest, it's for the audience to look up to the person who's the highest bidder." Irene smirked.

Milo just chuckled at her and pulled her a chair to sit on, he then sat beside her and played with her fingers, "Alam mo, you really, really like to play with my hands." Irene shook her head and Milo just smiled, "It's fun kaya... It seems like I'm wrapped around your fingers."

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