Maybe's and Almost's

618 64 106

prompt: What if Regy and Riny had a child? What if Regy never knew? What if they met again after four years? What if Riny and Milo never happened?

Third Person

Maybe love is being together. Or being apart. Maybe love is all sorts of explosion. Or maybe it's as quiet as the wind. Maybe love could also be hearing the tunes of your favorite song.

Or it could be hearing a certain voice that you haven't heard for as long as you can remember.

"Riny." He calls, his eyes piercing through hers as she stands up from Xabreena's stone. He traveled down to a little girl holding Irene's hand.

She gave him a small smile, "Greggy... Kamusta?"

He nodded once and offered a smile back, "I...I'm good, ikaw ba?" He stepped forward to Xabreena's grave. Their bodies are now close to each other making Irene step back.

"I'm doing fine rin." She took her bag from the bench and looked down, "Ah... Ano, this is Xamara..." She smiled, "My daughter... I... I named her after Xab."

Greggy's eyes widened, "Oh, may anak ka na pala..." He whispered, "Hello..." He waved at Irene's daughter.

"I'm Tito Regy..." He squatted down to meet her level, Xamara was a little shy but smiled nonetheless. "Hello..." Her small voice rang through his ears.

"How old are you?" He asked. She was a little Riny... with a hint of... no, it can't be...

"I'm four years old..." She smiled while she answered Greggy. Irene looked away and swallowed a lump in her throat.

Greggy's eyebrows furrowed and looked up to Irene, "You're four? When is your birthday?" He asked again.

"Greggy, mauna na kami..." Irene chewed on her lip and tightened her grip on Mara's hand. "Mommy, too tight." She frowned.

"Sorry, love..." She caressed her hand with her thumb.

Unintentionally, he grabbed her wrist gently, "Can we talk?" He asked without looking into her eyes. "Later..." He added.

Irene gulped down and held her breath, "Why?" She asked.

"I have some questions." He looked into her eyes. "Okay... Okay... Here's my number..." She took a calling card from her wallet and handed it to Greggy.

"I have to go, may lessons pa si Mara..." Irene suddenly carried Mara into her arms and went away.

"Bye bye, Tito Stranger!" Mara waved as she looked at Greggy from her mother's back. Greggy chuckled and waved back at her.

There's really something...


From: +639********* // 3:45 P.M.
I'm at hebrew.

To: +639********* // 3:47 P.M.

Irene closed her eyes and heaved a sigh. "Nako... Bakit ba kasi kayo nagkita." Imee shook her head.

"Eh, alam ko bang nandoon siya? May sign ba? Diba wala?" She irritably rolled her eyes at Imee.

"Hoy, wag mo akong irap-irapan diyan. Sige na, sabi naman nila Martin na they'll pick up Mara mamaya. Kami na bahala, just settle everything with Greggy." Imee tapped on Irene's shoulder.

"Irene... It's time to tell him." She smiled sadly and Irene nodded. "I know."

She stood up, went to her car, and drove herself to the café they always meet. Irene took a photo album book and gripped it tightly to her before going out of her car and heading towards the entrance of the café.

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