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Third Person

Greggy went back home to his penthouse. He stared at the scattered letters on his desk, unable to move, unable to think. It has been an hour of staring and hesitating.

He unbuttoned the first three buttons of his button-down polo and stood up, wanting to get intoxicated to have the courage to read her letters.

As they say, alcohol makes you braver.

He grabbed a bottle of unopened Jack Daniels and Coke. He mixed the two drinks in a rocks glass and sighed. It's gonna be a long night.

He grabbed his glass and went back to his desk. He shut his eyes off and grabbed the first letter, 07/27/09. He opened the envelope and it revealed Irene's elegant handwriting.


I hope you receive my letters, I haven't heard anything from you. I miss you so much, you know. If I could just drop everything here and come back to you, I would......"


"Dear Greggy,

I'm on the Dean's List! I never imagine that I'd be one of the tops of the class! Grabe ang saya-saya ko, I hope you are happy for me too. Write me back when you can, Regy..."


"Dear, Gregorio

It's been a year since I haven't talked to you... You may be bust there, but I understand! I just hope that you've read my letters. I miss you so much, G. Please don't forget about me and all our dreams..."


"My Love,

Greggy! My birthday's coming up and Rachel (my newfound best friend) has planned to have a girl's night! I'm starting to get used to how things work here. Hahaha! I wish you were here with me, Regy..."



Hey hey hey! It's my birthday! We're going to go and celebrate it in a restaurant here, just around the corner. I met Alice, her sisters Marissa and Melba, and Cristina! They're all studying medicine, except for Melba, as she's still in high school. Wish you could celebrate with me here..."

He scattered through the letters and searched for the last letter she wrote. He gulped the remaining alcohol on his glass and began to wander his hands through the letters


Bingo. He grabbed it and opened the envelope.

"Hello, Gregorio,

I decided to stop writing you. It's been 5 years, Greggy. I can't hold on to something that isn't even sure. I've had my time to overthink and break down, and I can't do it anymore. I should just let you go.

Were those just white lies you told me to avoid doubts? Were those sweet nothings you promised as we lay down together? Were those just empty promises when we lock our eyes and say our I love you's? I want to know, Regy. But, it may be better to leave those unsaid.

Day by day, memories of ours slip out of my mind. How long, I wonder, before I lose all the fragments of you?

I told you before I left that that wasn't our goodbye. Maybe this is. So, goodbye Greggy. Do well. Be well. Thank you.

Yours, forever,

Greggy breathed out of his nostrils and sighed. He checked the digital clock on his nightstand and saw that it was already 2:38 in the morning. He got up from his seat, let himself fall to his bed, and just went into the land of dreams.

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