7. Summer Nights

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" I could listen to you laugh forever. If there was only one sound that I was allowed to hear I would choose the sound of your happiness" ~ Laughing Wolf

Izuku was at work restocking the ambulance with supplies but his mind was on anything but work.

It's been three days since that late night kiss with the handsome firefighter outside the firehouse on a sleepless summer night and Katsuki has been the only thing on the greenett's mind ever since.

He rolls his eyes internally at himself because the hot blonde had taken up most of the space inside his head even before that kiss but now.. now he swears he can still feel it on his lips.

There's a song rushing around inside his ears, music being an almost ever present thing for the greenett. The words strike a cord in his soul.

That kiss was deadly, seeping into his veins, continuing to burn into his skin, leaving behind an all consuming burn that was setting his heart a blaze, like the blonde had filled it with gasoline and set a match to it.

It was deadly for many reasons tho, one being he wasn't even out of his current situation, not fully anyway but still, he is starting to have feelings for the firey firefighter he knows he is having a hard time denying.

As he finishes putting away the last of the bandages in an upper compartment of the vehicle. He touches his lips absentmindly.

He groans leaning back against the inside of the ambulance. In three days he's hardly been able to think of anything else or keep his mind on anything. He hasn't spoken to the blonde either, trying to keep his distance till he figures this out but that too has been proving difficult. He's so drawn to Katsuki in ways he has never felt, it's like he has no power of his own actions when it comes to him and that's scary and thrilling all at once.

He runs his hands through wavy green locks feeling sweat on the sides of his temples as his mind runs rampant with crimson ruby's and blonde spikes.

He's frustrated and confused and still unable to believe the blonde had pulled him in that night and kissed him leaving him a puddle of want and ruin on the sidewalk.

There is a voice suddenly breaking him from tortured thoughts.

" Hey, you ok over there?"

Jade eyes snap to the back of the ambulance seeing Shinso smirking at him.

Izuku gives a slight laugh flashing his smile.

" Yeah, I'm fine, just thinking"

Shinso crosses his arms leaning on the side of the open doors with his own signature smart ass smirk.

" I bet, lemme guess. Red eyes, blonde hair, bad mouth, big ego?"

Izuku blushes and laughs rolling his eyes as he gets up moving to jump off the back of the vehicle.

" There uh actually more crimson then red, kinda scarlet, and more blunt then bad mouthed.. and I dunno if I'd say it's a big ego really, more pride ? And I mean he can back those things up so I dunno if I'd say he's bragging really, more like... like... stating facts?"

Shinso has a grin so big you can practically hear it as he stares at the clueless greenett who's rambling like a love struck teenager about his crush without even realizing it.

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