45. Everything's Gonna Be Alright

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" As Long as I have you, I will always have everything I need to be Happy" ~ Unknown

It's been two days that Izuku and Katsuki have been in the hospital recovering from the fire, both have been doing well and steadily healing from smoke inhalation, bruises, cuts and burns along with the cracked rib that Katsuki sustained from the CPR he received.

Katsuki hasn't really let his Medic out of his arms since he climbed into them the first night when the blonde insisted and the always unapologetic, mouthy, brash firefighter has been sure to let anyone know that tried to make his husband move from his arms and into his own bed that it wasn't happening and they could fuck right off if they thought otherwise.

Even though Katsuki is still sore from his injuries, Izuku being out of his reach right now would be worse then the discomfort he feels from the lingering effects from the fire.

The two have streamed movies and music on their phones, talked for hours, and Izuku has let every cheezy line his husband could throw at him hit each and every time without one single complaint, not that there was ever a real one to begin with. Secretly and not so secretly those cheezy lines hit the target every single time and Izuku is fairy sure his ever cocky husband knows that.

Currently the greenett is leaning against his husband propt up in his hospital bed watching some corny predictable romance movie that Izuku stumbled across and was now invested in.

Katsuki watches smirking with one arm resting behind his head the other locked around his husband.

" All this guy has to do to win this chick over is toss a few pick up lines at her. He's over thinking this shit"

He feels Izuku laugh softly against his chest.

" Just because it worked for you Mr Perfect doesn't mean it would for every one, besides it was more than just those nonstop lines that won me over"

The blonde looks down at his husband that is now looking up at him.

" Oh I know, it was my smokin' hot body and sexy hard to resist charm", he says teasing.

The greenett laughs then gives his own playful smirk.

" Well duh, that's definitely part of it but it was something even more than that"

Katsuki smiles.

" Yeah?"

" Mmmhmm...tacos. It was totally the tacos", Izuku grins with a giggle.

Katsuki breaks into a laugh tho it makes his ribs ache.

" I fuckin' knew it!"

Once the giggling paramedic calmed down his laughter he looked into crimson eyes and gave a warm love filled smile.

" Actually it was everything about you. You were everything I have ever wanted in a boyfriend, a husband. You were everything I thought was out of reach"

Crimson eyes soften and sharp handsome features turn into a loving smile given only to the male in his arms.

" I was reachin' for you since the first night I saw you, when I got you to finally reach back without being afraid it was all over, deal sealed, mine forever Izuku Bakugo. Don't dodge Medic"

The words were spoken deeply, every one of them from the heart and with each word he moved his mouth closer to its target finally connecting with perfect lips he wants to kiss forever and probably would have tried to make it last that long had the door to their room not just opened wide most of the couple's friends suddenly stumbling inside loudly.

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