23. Back to You

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" The memories we make with our families are everything"~ Unknown

It's Sunday and a very anxious Izuku Midoriya is so ready to get on the road back to the city, back to his Kacchan.

He's been home since Thursday and even tho it's been great seeing his mom again after a very long year he's more than ready to get back to his firefighter.

As he zips his bag he smiles thinking of how much things have changed for him since he met Katsuki.

There was a time that in the rare moments when Izuku actually would get to go away that he would absolutely dread going home, when he would get nervous just thinking about it knowing that Raiden would be waiting with some sort of ranting tantrum. But now things are different, completely different and Izuku is so excited to get back to Katsuki he can hardly stand it.

He places the bag over his shoulder jogging down the steps.

" Mom? Are you ready??"

Inko pops her head out of her room seeing an anxious son who she knows is antsy to get back to this firefighter she's heard so much about the last four days.

She smiles at her boy.

" Yes, yes I'm coming. My goodness someone is ready to get back to the city", she says with an all knowing smile that makes Izuku blush.

He grins at her.

" I can't help it. I miss him, and I'm excited to meet his mom, maybe a little nervous about that part."

Inko's eyes soften as she walks to her son placing a hand on his cheek.

" She's going to love you. You just be yourself Izuku. If you do that there is absolutely no way that she couldn't love you, just like that blonde you keep going on about, who I am also looking forward to meeting."

The greenett smiles showing pretty white teeth and a dimple that pops only when he's truly happy.

" Right! So let's go!!!!"

Inko breaks into a giggle as her son pulls her tawrds the door with her overnight bag.

Four hours away there is a large blonde firefighter just as anxious to get his Medic back to him.

Katsuki has been checking the time almost nonstop since Izuku had excitedly texted him that he and his mom were on the way.

The blonde is at work running drills in a large abandoned building behind the firehouse that the department actually owns for practice drills.

He's the last one still in the building walking through making sure the rest of the guys put the small remaining fires out so he doesn't hear the sound of a familiar motorcycle pull up to the sidewalk quickly.

Shoto is already outside removing the last of his fire gear when he sees his bestfriend pulling off his helmet.

Happy emerald eyes meet rarely smiling bicolored ones.

" Hi Sho!"

" Midoriya, you're back. Good to see you."

The greenett hugs his friend tightly.

" Yeah, I'm happy to be back, mom should be here any minute, she was following but stopped for gas so she should be here soon"

Shoto nods.

" Great, I look forward to seeing her"

Emerald eyes are searching the area.

Todoroki sees it with a smirk.

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