37. Someone to Love Me

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" When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible " ~ Unknown

February 13th. The night before Izuku gets to marry the most perfect man he is sure was ever put into existence.

He's sitting in his bestfriend's apartment like he has a hundred times before but tonight it definitely feels different. He's excited and anxious but happy in ways he never thought he could be.

The greenett stares out the window across the lit up city absentmindly chewing his thumb nail with a smile that just won't die down.

He saw Katsuki a few hours ago when he left their apartment as part of wedding tradition but he won't deny that he misses his firefighter already.

He giggles to himself standing there now thinking about how hard it was to convince Katsuki to let him go for the night. The blonde was met with a string of teases from Kirishima, Sero  and Denki saying that it was oversized firefighter that was the clingy one in the relationship tho the greenett assured them it was definitely both of them and usually Izuku himself for sure.

His thoughts are suddenly broken by Shoto who just walked in the room with Shinso in tow who was staying over also.

" You ok over there Midoriya? Having withdraw already? Oh god do I have to drive you by so you can look at him through the window?", the male smirks at his friend.

Izuku rolls his eyes laughing tossing a nearby throw pillow from the couch at his friend.

" Hush you. I miss him is all."

Shinso grins handing the greenett a beer as he sits on the arm of the couch.

" We see that. I don't think you've lost that sappy in love puppy look since the day you told me you met him"

Shoto chuckles.

" Yeah. I saw that look the night Midoriya check him over at the fire that first time"

Shinso smirks.

" And what were you checking over exactly that night short stuff?"

Izuku laughs tinted with blush at the memory and his friends teasing.

" Hey. I thought I did pretty good that night dodging pick up lines and pretending not to notice how hot he was"

Shoto snickers.

" Yeah until you turned the color of the fire engine when he offered to strip and find a way to get you under him. I saw you have a hard time getting back in that ambulance to leave ' Mr Perfect '. I also saw the big lug consider chasing the thing down after you did get in"

Shinso breaks into a laugh.

" Damn I'm sorry I wasn't on duty that night to watch you turn into a train wreck, but you did fill me on the hot firefighter the next day"

" At least he waited till the next day, questions about my bestfriend started pouring in that night. ' Yo Icyhot, what's his situation anyway?' ", Shoto mocked the blondes voice making Izuku giggle.

The purple eyed male chuckled

" I started getting text from Kaminari not long after too. ' So know your friend Deku, think he could stop by later?'"

Izuku laughs softly, pretty eyes beaming with happiness thinking about how Katsuki had pursued him and didn't give up, and thank God he didn't.

" He was definitely persuasive. I almost passed out when I got a message from him all the sudden on social media."

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