41. Honeymoon

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" All that you are, is everything I will ever need"~ Unknown

* Smut here pups *

It's a sunny and warm 80 degree day when Izuku and Katsuki step off the plane in the Bahamas for their honeymoon.

Fingers tightly linked while they walked through the airport to get their luggage.

" This is going to be amazing! Thanks for planning all this Kacchan, I always wanted to see the Bahamas!", Izuku said excitedly while Katsuki gathered the bags.

The blonde firefighter smirks taking the greenett's hand after he lowered his sunglasses over his eyes.

" You're welcome baby, and I know you did, I planned this because I knew you always wanted to see this place, I mean the fact that we'll be totally alone with our own beach cottage and private streach of beach helped my final decision too", he said looking down at his husband with a grin.

Izuku laughed softly with a slight blush.

" I'm sure it did, and I'll admit that's one of my favorite parts about it too. I look forward to our alone time, we've been so busy with the wedding and work that it's been hard to spend quality time together without one of us falling asleep."

Katsuki smirks as they walk out to the rental car.

" Trust me Medic, I plan on keeping you awake the whole week we're here, this may be the first vacation ever that we go home more tired then when we got here"

The greenett laughs, his hand gaining a tighter hold on the blondes as he looks up and gives him a playful wink.

" Bring it on Mr Perfect, I'm here for it"

Katsuki chuckles low in his throat causing a wave of goosebumps to hit Izuku's skin.

The blonde puts the bags in the backseat then traps his husband against the side of the car in an arm cage.

" Oh I'm going to. I look forward to seeing you in nothing but those rings I put on your finger", he says, voice low and slow, like smoke and whisky.

Izuku visibly shivers as he wraps his arms around his husband.

" Wow, that was a really, really good line Kacchan, and I look forward to seeing you the same way", he says with a playful laugh and a pretty smile.

Katsuki chuckles leaning down kissing a fair skined neck.

" I know right, that line was good but this will always be my favorite...", he says pausing before he continues.

He pulls his head up holding both freckled cheeks in large palms as he runs his thumbs over them looking into what he knows are the most beautiful eyes he's ever seen.

There's a gentle smile on sharp features as he speaks words he will now and always.

" Don't Dodge Medic"

Izuku smiles as Katsuki closes in feeling his heart flutter at the words that made him weak from the very first time.

The kiss is slow and sweet and something both are sure they could live off for a lifetime and now that they're married they have a lifetime ahead of them.

After a thirty minute drive of talking and laughing, hand holding and taking in all the pretty sights along the way they reached their destination.

When Katsuki pulls up to the small white beach front cottage Izuku's excitement takes over as he jumps out as soon as they're parked.

" Kacchan! Oh my goodness, this is beautiful!", the greenett says emerald eyes wide with happiness.

The blonde smiles taking his husband's hand leaning down to kiss his temple.

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