36. Quality Time

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" The wildfire in his eyes reflects the seduction in his soul and I was burning effortlessly under his first glance"~ Laughing Wolf

* Smut here pups 🐺*

It's another cold January day, more than cold actually, there's freezing rain pelting a city apartment window leaving thick blankets of ice over everything it touches.

Lucky two first responder heroes don't have to be at work today and yesterday after the ambush of two excited mothers trying to plan every detail of the pairs wedding they need a day to recharge.

Katsuki is in the kitchen busy making breakfast for his fiancée who isn't quite awake yet but is stirring in a now cold bed.

The greenett schunches his face eyes still closed as he feels around with his arm for his always warm blonde firefighter.

He grunts slightly in frustration when he doesn't find the warm God like body he searches for.

Emerald eyes flutter open as he rolls over on his back listening for any noise that might indicate where Katsuki is, when the smell of coffee and cooking bacon hits his senses he knows exactly where.

He sits up letting the covers fall from his form. He isn't wearing anything considered the hours of love making the night before and being curled up to a human inferno all night but now that that warmth is gone he shivers jumping up and pulling on the first thing he sees which is a pair of the blondes black sweats with the firehouse logo on the right hip and Katsuki's oversized on him white hoodie.

The greenett stumbles quickly to the bathroom brushing his teeth and taming green locks before he shuffles out to find the blonde.

When Katsuki hears movement behind him he turns to meet sleepy green eyes that are smiling at him as always.

" Morning Mr Perfect"

Katsuki chuckles at the sleepy, shivering sight. Even with the heat turned up his fiancée was always cold.

The blonde opens his arms pulling him in immediately.

" Morning Medic, I was trying to let you sleep in a bit before I got you up. I know I wore that perfect ass out last night", he smirks into green locks placing a kiss on them.

He feels Izuku laugh against his chest while he holds onto the blonde.

" Yeah but so worth it and how can you stand here with no shirt on, aren't you cold?"

The blonde grins running his large hands up and down the greenett's back trying to warm him.

" You know I don't get that cold, besides I figure this is the best way to get you all hot and bothered first thing in the morning"

Izuku giggles at the blonde he knows will always flirt with him like it's the first day.

He looks up into teasing crimson eyes.

" You aren't wrong."

Katsuki smirks down at him leaning in to kiss him letting his lips linger.

" I know. Now sit so you can eat, I made extra bacon so you don't steal all mine again"

The greenett grins at him taking a seat at the table while Katsuki finishes plating the food and getting them both coffee.

He sets both plates down kissing his medic quick on the lips before taking his seat and sipping his coffee.

The greenett beams at him happily.

" Thanks Kacchan! Looks amazing like always"

Katsuki winks at him.

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