35. Why are They Like This?!

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" It doesn't matter if the room is full of a hundred people, if you are in it with me, it becomes only us" ~Unknown

It's a cold mid January day when Katsuki picks his fiancée up after his shift so he doesn't walk home in the cold, it's one of the few days the two actually got off work at the the same time and they were both looking forward to spending the evening curled up on the couch together for the rest of the night, or in bed if the blonde firefighter has his way.

In short, they both just want to be wrapped around each other.

Katsuki climbs up into his truck after going in and retrieving Izuku.

" Fuck it's cold. I can't belive this shit, fucking fire hose kept freezing today at a fire. God damn ice everywhere"

The greenett nods with a shiver scooting as close as he possibly can to his blonde while he scrunches his face down into the green and black scarf he has around his neck.

He mumbles a response into the cloth around his neck with a teeth chatter.

" I know. We had so many calls today, that I was outside more than in. I ...I can't feel my fingers Kacchan"

Katsuki looks at the shivering greenett beside him with a smirk and a chuckle as he puts his arm around him and pulls him closer to his side.

A large hand that's somehow always warm takes hold of a smaller one that's wrapped in a black glove but still cold.

He holds it tight incasing it in his large one then brings it to his mouth blowing hot air on it to warm cold fingers.

The greenett looks over at him with loving eyes as he pulls his scarf down enough to speak clearly.

" Thank you Mr. Perfect. I missed you. How was your shift?"

The blonde shrugs while he rubs Izuku's hand between his own to generate heat.

" Cold. And I missed the fuck outta you. Let's go home Medic, we'll get in a hot shower, I'll make you dinner and then we'll climb into bed where I can heat you up in all the right ways", he smirks leaning over kissing soft lips between his own.

Izuku sighs into it, feeling the heat of the large firefighter already making him feel better.

When they break for air the greenett reaches up and touches a blonde spike with a gentle smile.

" That is the best thing I've heard all day and since we both have off tomorrow and can stay in bed all day if we want to, it sounds even better"

Katsuki grins.

" Now you're thinking baby"

It doesn't take long before the two are at their apartment building and Katsuki is walking his fiancée up the stairs with his palm locked safely in his own.

The pair is laughing at something Denki did that the blonde is telling him about.

" No..no way Kacchan, that did not happen!!", the greenett wheezes as they walk.

Katsuki is chuckling hard just listening to the medic next to him.

" I'm serious Deku, you can even ask Shitty Hair. He honest to fucking God went running out of the station one night because he was only half fucking paying attention and he swears he heard Soy Sauce say " Fire in the hall" not "Fire call", which is what he actually fucking said. Bitch took off outta there so fast he was a damn blur, almost took Icyhot down getting out the door"

Izuku has tears in his eyes from laughter as the blonde puts the key in the lock but when he opens their apartment door they both stop short, faces falling and brows raised in confusion because there in their space is two overly excited loudly taking mothers and one father who's just scrolling through his phone with a slight smile.

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