9. How it Could be.

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" And he took his hand and gave him all he had been waiting for, a shiver down his spine and a fire in his soul" ~ Unknown

It was well after midnight when Katsuki lead Izuku through the door of his apartment.

Emerald eyes looked around taking in his surroundings as he removed his shoes at the door.

It was nice, comfortable. Dark colors that felt warm, the kind of place you wanted to come home to, to shut the outside world out.

It was also insanely clean and Izuku couldn't help but think it was perfect, of course it was just like the firefighter himself who was looking at him with concern in crimson eyes.

He gives a weak sheepish smile to the blonde who returns it.

" You don't have to stand there by the door Medic, make yourself at home. Here sit down, I'll grab you something to drink"

Izuku nodded at him as he moved to the large black leather sofa and sat down. He still felt shaky and lost, the way he always felt in this situation.

Katsuki was suddenly beside him handing him a water and sitting down closely beside him.

Crimson eyes studied the greenett staring down into his water glass.

The blondes mind was twisting. So this was part of what Izuku has been dealing with huh? That bastard at his door throwing a fit, yelling, screaming, threatening till it broke the other down.

There's anger burning in those Crimson eyes and even tho he had agreed not to take that fuck down tonight that doesn't mean he won't have his day because if it's the last thing he does that abusive prick is going to meet Katsuki Bakugo in a way he'll never forget.

He wants to talk to Izuku about this, wants to gentely find out all the secrets hidden behind those gorgeous emerald eyes, all the painful ones he never trusted anyone else to tell, and then he wants to soothe away every bad thought and memory and replace it with new ones and proof of how things should be, but not tonight, not right now, right now Izuku needs to decompress and get some sleep in a place where he is completely safe.

Katsuki clears his throat quietly next to the greenett who meets his eye.

The blonde gives a slight smile.

" You doing ok?"

Izuku smiles softly looking down again.

" Yeah.. I will be. Thank for picking me up and letting me stay."

" You don't have to thank me for that Deku. And just so you know you can always run here"

Izuku looks over at him both staring a beat.

Katsuki continues.

" And by here I mean to my place and to me"

Gazes lock and Izuku feels his heart hammer in his chest.

There's so much, so much each wants to say but they are both tired and tonight emerald eyes need rest more than anything the blonde decides as he gets up moving out of the room suddenly.

Izuku watches him go a million thoughts in his mind.

His eyes shift outside, Katsuki has a nice view of the city he watches the lights quietly feeling the stress of the day pulling at him.

Without him hardly realizing it the blonde is back smirking down at him holding a stack of clothes in his hand.

" Something for you to sleep in. Their mine so they're going to be big on you and I can already tell I'm going to fucking love that, alot" , he winks and oh god Izuku feels those butterflies racing to every inch of his stomach.

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