19. Reality

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" I love you because the untire universe conspired to help me find you" ~ Unknown

It's the end of a green eyed medic's shift. He's packing up his backpack ready to head home for the night.

It's been a few days since his two days off that he spent with his firefighter at the blondes place.

He smiles lost in his own thoughts because that time was absolute heaven, like something out of a dream.

Katsuki had taken him out the first day like he said, amusement park, dinner, movies. The next day he took him for ice cream and a long drive down summer back roads laughing and talking till they would find some place to park making out like two teenagers in the bed of the blondes truck.

Both nights ending the same with that perfect blonde doing just what he said, taking his greenett home and laying him down on soft cool sheets loving on him till his eyes rolled.

He's brought back to earth when he hears a teasing voice enter.

" Oh god, you have that look again and every time you do I'm not sure if I wanna know what you're thinking about or take a shower in holy water" , the violet eyed male smirks as he moves to his locker.

Izuku throws his head back and laughs at the taunt.

" Shut it. You know I can't help it."

Shinso chuckles as he looks over at his friend.

Izuku looks so much better then he has in a very long time. So much better then he has in years.

Those dark circles from under his eyes are gone. His face is happy and relaxed hardly ever without a pretty beaming smile. He has color to his cheeks again, not pale and drawn looking . His eyes are not only emerald green but actually sparkle, happiness undeniable in them. He's also finally put on some weight and looks tone and fit again.

He laughs and jokes again almost all the time, a ringing happiness in a gentle voice.

Yes it was clear that blonde hot head had worked wonders and something else was clear to violet eyes.

His friend Izuku Midoriya, little green eyed medic, was absolutely, positively in love.

He smirks shutting his locker leaning on it as he talks with his friend.

" So I'm guessing things are going well between you two?"

Izuku smiles wide.

" So much better then well. It's like being a dream. I still can't believe guys like him exist."

Shinso chuckles.

" You mean big, blonde , mouthy, cocky ?"

Izuku rolls his eyes with a laugh in his voice.

" No , I mean.. well.. gentle , but still some how really fierce. Patient with me even tho I know he's not known for it. Smart, funny. He's talented, like cooking and a million other things. He's strong, like crazy strong, but yet so easy with me. He's supportive in ways I've never known, he's just.. just ...."

" Amazing?", Shinso says with a raised brow and a grin making the greenett laugh again.

" Yes. But I mean it, he really is"

Shinso nods.

" Have you told him all this?"

Izuku meets his eye scrunched face in thought.

" Well, yes? I mean I tell him all the time that he's amazing"

Violet eyes smile.

" Yeah ok, but have you told him everything you just told me? I'm sure he'd like to hear it, since you know his ego isn't big enough. But not only that, I'm sure he'd like to know everything you feel so that he knows he's doing all the right stuff. I bet that hot head would like to know exactly how you feel about him besides just the amazing part."

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