CH- 22~ Sania struggles for Job

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Sania's POV

I  settled in my room holding the newspaper looking for job articles and vacancies..

Life is taking a toll over our lives.. first Bella's accident, then  Meera's fake article and now yesterday I was thrown out of that band..

Like just yesterday I signed the new concert and in the night they called me saying they are having issues with their team members and the number of band members..

Hence they decided to throw me out of their band.. like wow!

Now I think that music is just not made for me..  singing as a hobby is different thing and making it a profession is a whole damn different thing..

And now.. I'm just so done with all these shits..

Till now I've just thought about myself, my dreams and my wishes..

Now it's high time I think about my family.. mom called me yesterday saying Papa's health is not in a good state... And urgent money is needed for his checkup...

And that's the reason I've finally decided to take up any job.. anything will do now..

I just want to get a job and fulfill my responsibilities as a daughter..

But getting a job that too in Mumbai is not so easy... But the least I can do is trying..

And hence I'm going to visit this companies for a job interview today..

" Sania.. here is your CVs .. call us if you find and problem.." said Meera handing me my documents..

I nodded and got up taking my bag and the files when Bela came towards us..

" Here.. have this .. I hope tujhe jaldi se koi accha sa job mil jaye.." said Bela shoving the spoon inside my mouth whivh had curd and sugar..

I smiled at them and left for the day...

Mission : get a job...

I can and I'll..

I went to Khurana Industries first.. as I entered the reception.. I took the details and sat there waiting for me to be called.. after some 15 mins my turn came and I entered inside..

" Yes Miss. Roy.. your CV is impressive.. but I just want to ask a simple question.." the interviewer asked placing the file before me .

" Have you done any such jobs in your life before?" He asked and I shook my head in no..

" I'm sorry then Miss.. we are looking for an experienced person.. " he dismissed me completely and I dejected took the file and came out...

Everyone doesn't get experience from the start for god's sakes...

Everyone has their first time in their life.. but no ... People now adays just want experience people...

The next I sat in Agarwal's..  the manager looked impressed with my CV.. and looked up at me ...

" Any past experiences?" He asked and I closed my eyes in irritation..

It's the 4th office and 4th person to ask me the same question..

" No sir.. but I'll work hard and make sure not to disappoint you.." I tried to convince but he didn't looked convinced..

" Sorry Ms. Roy.. we are not hiring interns.. we need experienced person" he said with a sad smile..

I took the file and without uttering any single word got up leaving the room...

What should I do now?

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