CH~46- Realization..

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A/N: before proceeding with the update I want to clarify some points. I understand your love for the female protagonist but you need to understand that this is a story and I can't take awful words for any of the character even if it's fictitious. It's my story and a the characters are close to my heart. I sometimes end up crying by those awful words said to the character.. yes I'm very sensitive and I get affected with such things.. so it's a humble request please use a filter before you say or write something. Now some pointa you guys should know.

◕ When Mahir saw taht kiss thing , he was shocked and it was reflex reaction for him to just break down and stay away from Bella because the kore he would be in front of her the kore he would get angry because that's the obvious reaction he or any person in the world would have given.
◕ Mahir didn't abused or misbehaved with Bella.. he was just too numb to react kr stop his friends and make them think rationally. He wanted to stop her when she was leaving but to his dismay he got unconscious and by the time he got back to normal it was too late.
◕ The next day when he was more calm and composed he thought calmly and decided to find the truth which he did and he had that grip od trust on Bella which even her friends lost .. well I'm coming to that..
◕ about announcing Shreya as his girlfriend, he didn't wanted to do that but he was kind of influenced and forced by his friends to do that because he made that announcement on the semifinals and if he wouldn't have shown a girlfriend in the show than another controversy would have happened including the show's, Mahir's and the production house's respect. So he was left with no other option but to do that which he will rectify soon.
◕ Now coming to why Sania and Meera behaved like that , well that has no justification because they are wrong but we have seen from the beginning that the girls always had a problem with Abeer and whenever anything would happen tehy would lose all their temper.. the exact happened.. they lost their temper because the subject was Abeer.. everyone in their life some or the other time gets wrong.. we're not god that everytime we'll be right.. and this time they're wrong.. their ego came between their friendship and this happened for which they'll regret for sure.. I'll make them trust me.
◕ Krish and Ansh are obviously more closer to Mahir then Bella hence when it came to them they just couldn't hold back their anger . And we all know nale and their anger ... Can destroy everything.. that's what happened.
◕ lastly it was their reaction to the situation. And whoever is wrong they'll realise it soon.. actually in this chapter itself. And you know that realisation matters!

So I guess I have made the points clear.. I understand I gave you the right to comment your view but I didn't gave the right to abuse any of the characters. Those who have kept tehir views in a polite manner I have replied all of them in a healthy manner because I'm clearly not offended by them.. but some who have literally bashed Meera, Sania, Krish, Ansh and ofcourse Mahir ( which offended me) I have decided to delete their comments!
It's a story, a fiction, take it as one!🙏

Anyways you guys can proceed with the chapter! Happy Reading!


Sania's POV

I explained what I and Mahir talked about to the three of them.

Currently we were in Meera's dadaji's mansion as the marriage preparations were done here... All the elders and guests were downstairs and in the garden. Only the four of us were here in Meera's room waiting to be called.

" But what we saw.." Krish was saying when I cut him off in between..

" Galat v ho sakta hai.. we all were do blinded with anger for Mahir that we forgot Bella to is our friend.." I said looking into space..

How could we just do that without even letting her explain?

" Yes you are right.. I guess we should have given her a chance.." Ansh said holding my shoulder nodding at me.

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